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Star Wars: Darth Vader Without James Earl Jones' Voice Is Weirder Than You Think

There are many iconic elements of the Star Wars universe. Jedi and Sith. Skywalkers. The Force. They're all part of the pop culture imagination. Even the sounds are iconic. From blasters to lightsabers, the sounds of Star Wars are instantly noticeable — and there's one breathy aura that is the most recognizable of all: Darth Vader's voice.

Famously provided by the one and only James Earl Jones, Vader's masked breath is one of the terrors of 20th-century cinema. It is the stuff of kids' nightmares. Everyone wants to mimic it, and very few can. But what if it wasn't there? What does Vader sound like without the voice?

Thanks to behind-the-scenes footage, we can hear the answer in the form of the late actor David Prowse's less-intimidating articulations — and trust us when we say they're weirder than you'd think. Prowse, who died at 85 years old in mid-2020, played Vader in all three films of the original trilogy. He also voiced the scripted lines for the character as they shot each scene, acting them out on set in his light British tenor.

From trouncing imperial officers to facing down a rebellious Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), the unfinished shots show Prowse's Vader marching around the set, putting people in their place in memorable moments that have become benchmark visuals of sci-fi cinema. But the voice — that voice. Even coming from a hulking figure like Prowse, it is a bit of an unexpected and weirdly disconcerting disappointment.

James Earl Jones breaks down how George Lucas chose him to voice Vader

Visually, casting David Prowse made perfect sense. The man was a 6-foot-6-inch bodybuilder and weightlifter, so he had the physique required for an intimidating Darth Vader in his mask, cape, and body armor. He was picture-perfect and acted the part memorably, setting a high bar for Hayden Christensen, who had to put on weight to take over the role on "Obi-Wan Kenobi." But the voice, well, it just doesn't vibe. Thank goodness George Lucas and company were savvy enough to couple Prowse's figure with James Earl Jones' classically trained voice.

In the behind-the-scenes footage, one interviewee points out, "It was hilarious and terrifying at the same time because we didn't know what Darth sounds like. That was the first time we heard him. We were like, 'Is that it? Is he going to be some Scottish guy, or what is this?"

Of course, that wasn't it. During later stages of the production process, Prowse's voice was replaced by that of Jones, who explained the story in the same BTS footage, saying, "George had hired David Prowse, but he said he wanted a so-called 'darker voice,' and not in terms of ethnic but in terms of timbre." Jones elaborates that there was a rumor Lucas had considered Orson Welles ("Citizen Kane," "Touch of Evil") but that he probably thought the voice would be too recognizable. "So what he ends up," he continues, "is picking a voice that was born in Mississippi, raised in Michigan, and was a stuttered — and that happened to be my voice."

Fans had quite a bit to say about Prowse's performance

"Star Wars" fans had quite a bit to say about David Prowse's version of Vader's voice. Some were supportive, including YouTube user @dazediss6629, who said in a popular comment, "In the U.K. we grew up with David Prowse telling us how to cross roads safely. He was the green cross code man. He taught me to stop, look and listen. Thank you for everything Lord Vader." YouTube User @horsenuts1831 added under the comment, "As the Green Cross Code man, David Prowse probably saved more young lives than Darth Vader killed. Any British kids in their 50s and 60s will remember the safety adverts."

Other comments took a more humorous approach. @Mezzer282 bluntly thanked God that James Earl Jones ended up voicing Vader, while @tron3entertainment took a more cheeky approach, quipping that the American actor did a perfect job with the lip-sync. Likewise, @Vinnicombe1 added, "Vader with Prowse: 'aye mate, I'm your father .'"

Kidding aside, YouTube user @sam7677 summed up the general sentiment best when they said, "As a child Darth Vader terrified me, not only because of the imposing figure he cut, but the terrifying voice too. Both men bought legendary movie villan to life in spectacular fashion."