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Avengers: Endgame Returning To Theaters With New Footage

The Avengers are assembling yet again.

Speaking with ComicBook.com's Brandon Davis during Spider-Man: Far From Home's London press junket, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige revealed that Avengers: Endgame is returning to theaters with extra footage. 

At the time, Feige noted that he was unaware if the rerelease had been announced (it hadn't), and seemed to hint that he wasn't sure how much new footage would be included. What he was certain of was the most important takeaway: Marvel is definitely bringing more Endgame goodness to cinemas, and will do it "next weekend."

Feige shared additional details about the rerelease in an interview with Screen Rant, also conducted during the Far From Home press tour. He explained that it isn't an "extended cut" with new scenes tucked into the actual movie, but is actually a new version "with a bit of a marketing push with a few new things at the end of the movie." Fans can look forward to seeing "a deleted scene, a little tribute, and a few surprises" after the credits roll. 

What these post-credits surprises could be is anyone's guess, though we here at Xoop have a few ideas. Perhaps Marvel finally decided to let the entire world see the video of Ant-Man franchise actors Paul Rudd and Michael Peña recapping the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which the studio presented at a past San Diego Comic-Con, and tacked it onto the end of the new version of Endgame. Maybe the surprises will be bxoops, or a clip of Feige sitting down with notoriously loose-lipped stars Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland and giving them a lecture about spoiling movies, or a special message from the massive cast thanking Marvel fans for joining them on the cinematic journey that began back in 2008. The "little tribute" that Feige mentioned is likely one honoring the late Stan Lee, and there probably won't be a dry eye in the house after it plays out on screen. 

As of this writing, we've heard no concrete information regarding when the Avengers: Endgame rerelease will actually take place. It's assumed that it will hit theaters on Friday, June 28, and could be either a one-night-only engagement or finish its second run in cinemas by end of day on Sunday, June 30. This speculation is down to the fact that Marvel has another movie to roll out just a few days later: Spider-Man: Far From Home, the much-anticipated Spidey sequel that serves as the official conclusion to Phase 3 of the MCU

Led by Holland as the eponymous vigilante, Far From Home is slated to debut on Tuesday, July 2 — only a handful of days after Marvel is said to be planning to throw Endgame back up on the big screen. Bringing the $2-billion-plus-earning superhero ensemble in theaters for another round of showings is one thing, but keeping it there for an extended period of time is another. If the Endgame rerelease carried on into the week of Far From Home's premiere, it could impact the film's box office performance. Marvel is a smarter company than that, though, and wouldn't risk negatively affecting one film's success just so another could rake in some extra cash. 

On the topic of big box office bucks, it appears that Marvel's main motivation for the Avengers: Endgame rerelease is additional revenue. Many watched carefully as Endgame inched closer and closer to making history as the top-earning movie in history by unseating James Cameron's Avatar, but fans didn't see that happen before the film ended its theatrical run. Though Avengers: Endgame took in $2.743 billion worldwide (and dethroned the second highest-grossing film of all time, Titanic, in the process), it still sits several million dollars behind Avatar, which has earned $2.787 billion globally. All that stands between Avengers: Endgame and the title of "Number One Film in History" is roughly $44 million. Endgame made $16 million more than that during Thursday-night domestic preview screenings alone, so it might not be that difficult for the movie to rake in $44 million or so with its upcoming rerelease — particularly if Marvel decides to make it an exclusive engagement and keep the additional footage off the film's DVD, Blu-ray, and digital releases.

Be sure to check back with Xoop for an official update on when exactly the new version of Avengers: Endgame will hit theaters and how long you have to see it.