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X-Men '97 Episode 2 Repeats A Terrible X3: The Last Stand Mistake

"X-Men '97" Season 1, Episode 2 continues the show's quest to live up to previous "X-Men" projects. Unfortunately, this also means it makes some of the same mistakes. Already, Episode 1 continues a huge series mistake from the original that fans have been trying to fix with headcanon explanations, and Episode 2 picks up a trick from "X-Men: The Last Stand," again casting Storm (Alison Sealy-Smith) as the team member who keeps insisting that mutant powers are great, actually.

One of the most ridiculous moments in the 2006 film is when Storm (Halle Berry) — a perfectly normal-passing mutant with amazing powers that basically make her a weather goddess — makes a big fuss about a cure for mutants, telling Rogue (Anna Paquin) that there's no need for one because every mutant is fine as they are. Rogue, you may remember, absorbs the powers and life force of anyone she touches, rendering her incapable of physical contact, something she's extremely distraught by.

Similarly, "X-Men '97" Episode 2 uses Storm of all people as the character who walks Jean Grey (Jennifer Hale) through the "Being a mutant is cool, folks" speech when the latter expresses concern about whether society will accept her potentially mutant child. While the scene plays out in a much more sympathetic fashion here — and there's nothing in Storm's entire backstory to suggest she's insensitive — this possibly accidental reference to her "Last Stand" moment is pretty jarring.

Fans have been pointing out Storm's insensitivity in The Last Stand for years

There are several stealthy things only adults notice in "X-Men: The Last Stand," but Storm's insensitivity isn't one of them. It's the kind of gaffe that tends to resurface in discussions every once in a while, and as fan comments make clear, it hasn't exactly aged like fine wine.

"This scene bothered me for that reason... like yeah they're all mutants but that means vastly different things for each one of them," u/Notacoolbro wrote. "Every time I see this, I just wish the scene would have Rogue take off her gloves, and simply touch Storm, and have her collapse to the ground," u/Smallwater opined.

Meanwhile, u/TooSmalley offered a real-world parallel. "I know a guy who can barely leave his house without getting panic attacks and anxiety. The people around him support him [in] choosing to not take medication or seek treatment. Like I get personal choice but if your choice is actively making your life worse you should be seeking [an] alternative," they wrote.

Given the somewhat different context of the "X-Men '97" version of the Storm moment, it might avoid becoming quite as infamous as the "Last Stand" version — particularly given the mitigating factors: The show's Storm is far less obnoxious about everything, and the scene foreshadows a later incident in which she herself loses her powers.

Nevertheless, "X-Men '97" willingly repeating this beat from "The Last Stand" isn't a great look, especially since the team is rife with other mutants whose powers actually do limit their personal life and who might be able to offer more insight into Jean's situation.