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Star Wars: The Acolyte Will Introduce A Brand New Purple Lightsaber - With A Huge Twist

"The Acolyte" trailer teased a Jedi killer and the rise of the Sith, impressing many viewers along the way. However, there are even more reasons for fans to get excited, as the trailer also offers a glimpse of Jedi Vernestra Rwoh, to be played by Rebecca Henderson. The character has several stories already throughout Star Wars' continuity, initially being introduced in 2021 during a High Republic multimedia project. It's safe to say a role on "The Acolyte" on Disney+ will be her primary introduction for many, and she's likely going to bring her purple lightsaber with her.

The purple lightsaber is a merging of the "good" blue lightsaber and the "evil" red lightsaber. It is most often associated with Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson); however, other Jedi have wielded purple lightsabers before. Vern's lightsaber is even cooler than Mace's, as it's a lightwhip in addition to being a standard purple-bladed lightsaber. Lightwhips are a variation of lightsaber that grants the plasma blade greater flexibility. As such, the user can make the weapon extend further, entangling and trapping opponents. 

While Vern isn't shown wielding a purple lightsaber (or lightwhip) during the "The Acolyte" trailer, it would make sense for one appear at some point during the show's eight-episode run. "Star Wars" fans will just have to wait and see what the show has in store for viewers.

The Acolyte's Vernestra 'Vern' Rwoh has a deep history in Star Wars

Vern barely gets any time in "The Acolyte" trailer, but given her history in various High Republic-centric stories, she's likely to get her fair share of screen time. As a child, she was taken under the tutelage of Jedi Master Stellan Gios before rising to the rank of Jedi Knight when she was only 15 years old, making her one of the youngest individuals to achieve such a feat. Eventually, she takes on a Padawan of her own — Imri Cantaros.

A pivotal moment within Vern's storyline is when she witnesses the destruction of Republic space station Starlight Beacon and believes her Padawan to have perished. While she attempts to carry on, she reconsiders her involvement with the Jedi Order and becomes a Wayseeker, following the whims of the Force rather than the Order specifically. This allows her to focus more on personal growth and healing, becoming a valuable leader even though she's more focused on the Force than going on missions. 

"The Acolyte" trailer shows an older version of Vern, suggesting viewers will see her after she's already gone through much of her backstory. That said, her past could always be explored through flashbacks or conversations with other characters, with Vern now a voice of reason within the Jedi Council's ranks. The main reason "The Acolyte" is set during the High Republic era is to explore the Sith as underdogs, but with characters like Vernestra Rwoh, it can also offer a glimpse into how the Jedi Council used to operate.