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Exclusive X-Men Preview: Cyclops Reveals A Secret 'Power' In Fall Of The House Of X #3

Contains spoilers for "Fall of the House of X" #3 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck, Jethro Morales, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham

The X-Men's collective backs are still up against the wall, and the mutant race remains targeted as Marvel Comics' "Fall of the House of X" continues. However, following Cyclops' surprise escape after being framed and imprisoned for crimes against humanity, an unexpected ally is helping him return to his fellow mutants. Meanwhile, an interesting side effect of his powers is introduced.

In the "Fall of the House of X" storyline, the X-Men are trying to stop their own extinction at the hands of the anti-mutant organization Orchis. The heroes watched as their once paradise-like home on the sentient island of Krakoa was decimated by Orchis, the Iron Man and mutant-hating threat Feilong, and several other bad actors who want to wipe mutants off the map for good. As a result, the X-Men have made one last effort to stop their oppressors, including stopping the capture of an on-the-run Krakoa, freeing mutants held captive in space and elsewhere, and working to assemble enough firepower across the universe to combat the deadly forces at hand. 

In our exclusive preview from "Fall of the House of X' #3, Cyclops finds himself working alongside Dr. Alia Gregor, one of the founders of Orchis, to escape the courthouse where he was nearly executed — with the hero getting an assist from a fan-favorite mutant along the way.

Cyclops prison break begins

In "Fall of the House of X' #3, Cyclops is without his ruby-quartz visor, which has rendered him blind as he escapes from Orchis alongside Dr. Alia Gregor. Despite being unable to see, the hero still manages to navigate a tricky pathway, revealing he's memorized the steps from his cell and can feel the change in humidity in order to find their way out. Cyclops can likely do these things thanks to being forced to spend so much time blindfolded as a young teen after his optic blast abilities manifested. That experience, combined with his almost superhuman level of spatial awareness (which is so good that some fans have theorized it may very well be a secondary mutation for the hero) appears to have developed his other senses to the point where he almost doesn't need to see at all. Even while blinded, Cyclops is able to navigate through stairwells so well that Dr. Gregor believes he's actually able to see where they're going.

As Cyclops tries to get answers from Dr. Gregor about the real force behind Orchis, he is met by a welcome face: Magik. The powerful mutant tosses Cyclops his ruby-quartz visor (which he catches with his eyes still closed), allowing him to see again. After putting it on, he asks Magik if the others can save Krakoa as he deals with the potentially more significant problem of Dominion, an A.I. enemy who may be the biggest threat of the entire Krakoan era.

The X-Men's Krakoan era is coming to close

While Cyclops and the X-Men are gaining momentum in their quest to stop Orchis, Dominion, and other threats to mutant existence, defeating the bad guys is still a considerable challenge that will take the full strength of the surviving team members. However, Marvel recently teased a future storyline for the X-Men called "From The Ashes," strongly suggesting that the X-Men's bold Krakoan era is destined to die, regardless of what happens next. So, ultimately, Cyclops and the rest of the mutant race may be merely delaying the inevitable as a new, very different chapter for the X-Men beckons.

Check out Pepe Larraz's cover featuring Wolverine taking on Doctor Stasis below, followed by a text solicitation for "The Fall of the House of X" #3.

THE END HAS TRULY BEGUN! The X-Men have taken all they're willing to take from Orchis... Now it's time for them to do the dishing out. Unfortunately, just when it seems like one threat is over...another rises to take its place. The final battle of the Krakoan age rages as two series that are one move toward a crash that will echo across the universe...

Readers can see Cyclops' escape and the mutant's fight to survive continue when "Fall of the House of X" arrives in comic book stores and online retailers on March 13, 2024.