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The 5 Worst Movies Of All Time, According To Artificial Intelligence

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Making a movie is probably pretty difficult. There are a lot of moving parts working in tandem at any given moment, and it's easy to surmise that if just one thing goes wrong, the whole project can be adversely affected. Despite the inherent difficulties, though, some people just make really, really bad movies ... movies that are so bad that even AI can figure out they suck.

Xoop asked ChatGPT what the five worst movies of all time were, and it managed to deliver — apparently taking critical reviews, audience reactions, and overall reputations under consideration before gifting us with a list of five undisputed stinkers. Are these truly the very worst movies any person has ever made? There might be worse ones out there, but per ChatGPT's answer here, these are some of the worst movies ever made.

Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957)

Directed by infamously inept director Ed Wood — who ended up the subject of Tim Burton's film "Ed Wood," where Johnny Depp played the dubious auteur — "Plan 9 from Outer Space" always comes up in conversations about bad films. The movie centers around aliens who want to stop humans before they can create something that would completely destroy the entire universe; naturally, the humans in charge of the United States government don't take any of the aliens' warnings seriously. Also, the aliens can raise the dead. This presents some problems.

"Plan 9 from Outer Space" is trying to present the idea that humans are the real villains and a threat to everyone's existence. It does this in the dumbest possible way, and beyond that, it's riddled with continuity issues and filmmaking gaffes (the fact that there's a visible boom mic in the movie is sort of the least of its problems). Still, it's managed to reshape its legacy over the years; like several other films on this list, it became a staple of "so bad it's good" cinema and is still a fixture of late-night screenings ... and as was previously mentioned, it inspired an entire movie about Wood's "creative process," which ironically received rave reviews and even picked up an Academy Award for Martin Landau (who played real-life actor Bela Lugosi).

The Room (2003)

What is there even left to say about Tommy Wiseau's beautiful disaster "The Room," which the writer, director, and star released in 2003? For the uninitiated, "The Room" focuses on Johnny — played beyond poorly by Wiseau himself — whose life is perfect, between his fiancée Lisa (Juliette Danielle), his career as a banker, and his close friendship with Mark (Greg Sestero). Everything starts to go wrong, though, when Lisa and Mark start sleeping together. Also, at various points, a kid gets caught in a drug deal, Lisa's mother discloses that she has breast cancer but then never talks about it again, and a bunch of guys play football while wearing tuxedoes. It's a wild ride, to say the least.

"The Room" is absolutely riddled with issues; the plot is more or less incomprehensible, Wiseau can't act (or write or direct, for that matter), there are near-constant continuity errors, and the production was famously difficult (which led to things like one actor leaving halfway through filming and the character simply disappearing). In fact, much like "Plan 9 from Outer Space," this movie is so famously bad that a totally different movie about its troubled production emerged: "The Disaster Artist," based on a memoir by Sestero and starring Dave and James Franco (the latter of whom played Wiseau and also directed). Frankly, the two make a pretty perfect double feature.

Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010)

You might be familiar with Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller "The Birds." You might be far less familiar with Justin Nguyen's 2010 ode to that film, titled "Birdemic: Shock and Terror." That's probably for the best. Nguyen's low-budget movie is part love story, part thriller where birds attack people. When Rod (Alan Bagh) and Nathalie (Whitney Moore) meet in Silicon Valley, they start dating and fall in love ... only to eventually be attacked by powerful birds of prey. They eventually escape death, but several others die due to the fact that the birds are able to spit acid at their prey — something that's apparently possible due to global warming and environmental damage.

"Birdemic: Shock and Terror" is a truly terrible movie, and critics were blunt about that upon release. As Variety put it in their initial review, the movie "displays all the revered hallmarks of hilariously bad filmmaking: inane dialogue [...] miscued music, godawful sound [...] and special effects that simply must be seen to be believed: birds dive-bombing and exploding in red-and-yellow poofs of smoke, and clip-art eagles, crudely pasted on the screen, with only their wing tips mechanically flapping." That more or less sums it up. Despite that, Nguyen ended up making two sequels — "Birdemic 2: The Resurrection" and "Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle" — which were released in 2013 and 2023, respectively.

Batman & Robin (1997)

These days, Batman is a brooding, ethically conflicted character played by prestige performers like Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, and Robert Pattinson. Back in 1997, the Caped Crusader was played by a future Oscar-winner but had a particularly notable suit and was a whole lot sillier. Fans hated it.

Joel Schumacher's take on the classic DC character cast George Clooney as Bruce Wayne, following in the footsteps of previous Batmen Val Kilmer and Michael Keaton. Unlike the previous two "Batman" films, this one wasn't helmed by Tim Burton, and Schumacher decided to take a different (bad) approach. Clooney's Batman costume infamously sported nipples – as did Kilmer's — which look ridiculous. The movie relied heavily on bad jokes and suffered as a result. Schumacher's "more is more" approach simply didn't work for the franchise, and years later, Marvel boss Kevin Feige would claim "Batman & Robin" was actually vitally important to the superhero genre because it taught anyone hoping to make one what not to do.

In the years since, star Clooney has been particularly rough on the movie. However, he appeared as Batman in "The Flash" to replace Affleck's version. Don't worry, though; as Clooney noted in December of 2023 while promoting his film "The Boys in the Boat," his cheeky cameo as Batman in "The Flash" was nothing more than a silly lark. "Oh yeah. Somehow, there were not a lot of requests for me to reprise my role as Batman; I don't know why," the actor and director told The Hollywood Reporter.

Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004)

If a sequel to the one-note 1999 comedy "Baby Geniuses" strikes you as a bad idea, then apparently, you know something that late director Bob Clark didn't. In 2004, Clark saw fit to craft a follow-up to his initial film titled "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2," for which none of the original movie's stars — including Kim Cattrall, Christopher Lloyd, and Kathleen Turner — returned. The sequel had to make do with Jon Voight and Scott Baio. Much like the first film, the second focuses on babies who can communicate in advanced ways with each other. However, this time, there's also a "super-baby" who can save these smart babies from an evil businessman named Bill Biscane (Voight), who kidnaps a lot of babies.

If this sounds like a mess, it's because it is. The film exists in rarified air on Rotten Tomatoes in that it boasts a 0% approval rating, with the critical consensus reading, "A startling lack of taste pervades 'Superbabies,' a sequel offering further proof that bad jokes still aren't funny when coming from the mouths of babes." If "Baby Geniuses" wore out its welcome by the end of its run time, then "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2" never even tried to make a half-decent impression on audiences and critics.