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Megamind 2 Has IMDb & Rotten Tomatoes Users United In The Worst Way Possible

DreamWorks has released the long-awaited sequel to 2010's "Megamind" and both fans and critics are tearing it apart. The original film follows super-villain Megamind, voiced by comedic genius Will Ferrell, as he realizes what it means to be a good guy after creating a superhero (voiced by Jonah Hill) to fight out of boredom. The film was a critical hit, nabbing a 73% score on Rotten Tomatoes, and has gone on to be a key part of Gen Z's pop culture diet. Now, over a decade later, Peacock is the exclusive home to "Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate" and it's definitely not following in its predecessor's footsteps. 

"Megamind 2" — which doesn't feature returning voice actors like Ferrell, Hill, or Tina Fey — could very well be one of the biggest misfires this year. Audiences on Rotten Tomatoes have declared the film a dud, giving it a 11% audience score as of this writing. On IMDb, over 190 users reviewed Megamind's sophomore adventure, giving it a 2.1/10 rating. There's no discrepancy here — everyone seems to be hating the sequel. "I actually wouldn't wish my worst enemy to watch this literal abomination of a movie," wrote IMDb user ColinTheGorilla1

Even critics have nothing positive to say. "With vaguely established threats and storylines, 'Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate' is the movie equivalent of meeting a friend you missed for many years only to realize that the encounter didn't really need to happen," wrote Collider's Erick Massoto in a 2/10 review. Ouch. 

What's the point of Megamind 2?

"Megamind 2" is set days after the original but doesn't feature the same creative juice as evidenced by the reviews circulating the web. Despite the first being a box office success, DreamWorks sent this sequel straight to Peacock. That's probably because this isn't really a true sequel. The maligned picture debuted alongside the animated series "Megamind Rules!" The sequel serves as a reintroduction to the world of Megamind to boost up the serialized offering, meaning this isn't really what lovers of the first film wanted. Seems like fans are better off catching one of DreamWork's better movies

Over on film review social networking site Letterboxd, fans of the original "Megamind" have been tearing the sequel apart. Viewers awarded it an abysmal 2.2 stars out of 5 on Letterboxd, confirming that the picture has both fans and critics united in their hatred. "This movie is a big f*** you to the fans of the first 'Megamind,'" wrote user Aiden Green in a one-and-a-half-star review. "'Megamind' is one of my favourite Dreamworks movies and this is the sequel that we get after years of asking for a sequel?" Fan reviews have particularly pointed out the film's poor animation, lack of narrative cohesiveness, and dubious reason for existing. 

The backlash "Megamind 2" has received is both hilarious and sad. Fans are obviously disappointed with the direction the film has gone in, with popular YouTuber penguinz0 labeling it the "worst movie of the year." While "Megamind 2" is a dud, fans can look forward to DreamWork's "Kung Fu Panda 4," which is releasing later this year