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OpenAI's Sora Changed Tyler Perry's $800 Million Plan In A Major Way

Tyler Perry appears to have conflicted feelings about artificial intelligence, and the tool may have curtailed the development of an ambitious project. The popular star of the "Madea" movies previously sought to add an $800 million expansion to his studio in Atlanta, Georgia, which would have seen 12 soundstages built onto the property. However, after seeing the cinematic qualities of OpenAI's Sora tool, he has put those plans on hold indefinitely. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Perry said that he was impressed by the technology, noting that its capabilities have benefits regarding filmmaking — but that doesn't mean he isn't wary of its downsides.

"I no longer would have to travel to locations. If I wanted to be in the snow in Colorado, it's text. If I wanted to write a scene on the moon, it's text, and this AI can generate it like nothing. If I wanted to have two people in the living room in the mountains, I don't have to build a set in the mountains, I don't have to put a set on my lot. I can sit in an office and do this with a computer, which is shocking to me."

Perry added that he used AI in two upcoming projects, suggesting that he isn't opposed to it having a place in the film industry. That being said, he also understands that there are concerns about AI affecting the future of the entertainment industry, and he wants studios to fight it.

Tyler Perry has serious concerns about the rise of AI

During the conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Tyler Perry revealed that every studio is still trying to figure out how to approach artificial intelligence, stating that the technology is advancing so quickly that it's led to studios playing catch-up with it. However, the actor also understands that the proliferation of the tool throughout the entertainment industry will cost people their jobs, as evidenced by his own decision to pause plans to expand his studio.

"I think that it has to be everybody, all involved in how do we protect the future of our industry because it is changing rapidly, right before our eyes. I think of all of the construction workers and contractors who are not going to be employed because I'm not doing this next phase of the studio because there is no need to do it."

While Perry admitted to taking advantage of the cost-effective benefits of AI, he still wants to start a dialogue about its role in the industry as he's concerned about its impact on people's lives, and he believes action must be taken to prevent that from happening. "I think the only way to move forward in this is to galvanize it as one voice, not only in Hollywood and in this industry, but also in Congress."