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American Pie Had To Tweak One Detail In Its Most Iconic Scene To Dodge A NC-17 Rating

The "American Pie" movies are full of raunchy moments that probably raised concerns among censors, but one scene in particular almost got the first film the dreaded NC-17 rating. The moment occurs when Jim (Jason Biggs) finds himself alone in his kitchen and, in a moment of coming-of-age curiosity, makes love to an apple pie lying on the counter. The scene justifies the franchise's baked-good-inspired name, but it required some tweaks for the movie to receive an R rating.

According to Entertainment Weekly, "American Pie" encountered the ire of the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) as the scene initially saw Jim thrust the pie four times. As such, the filmmakers had to cut it down to two thrusts to earn a more acceptable R rating. Biggs corroborated the story in an interview with the Life Is Short podcast, doing so at around the 14:20 mark of the episode. He quipped that the scene stumped censors as movies about people having erotic interactions with baked goods were too few and far between at the time. 

Despite having to compromise for the MPAA, Biggs said that everyone involved with the project viewed being censored as a badge of honor. But was the scene in question worth it for him in the long run?

Jason Biggs has no regrets about the infamous American Pie scene

While Jason Biggs has enjoyed success since "American Pie," he is most recognized for his role in the teen comedy franchise that turned him into a household name. Furthermore, the scene that involves him having carnal relations with an apple pie is a career-defining moment for the actor. While speaking to People, the "Orange Is the New Black" star revealed that people still talk to him about the scene, and he thinks it's awesome that it's had a lasting impact.

"I just think it's hilarious that for 25 years, I've been the pie guy," he said. "People ask me, 'Oh, is it annoying? Does it get annoying when people come up to you? Does it bother you?' And the answer is no. It's amazing that I'm part of this iconic franchise and this iconic moment in the franchise, and I'm very proud of it. I really am. I'm so lucky; it's been the greatest gift."

The scene was also a learning experience for Biggs as a burgeoning star, as he said it inspired him to roll with things he found funny. "[E]veryone on set burst out laughing, and I thought, 'Oh, this is amazing. This is a home run.' And since that moment, I've never ever questioned anything," the actor said.