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Cillian Murphy Thinks One Of His Movies Isn't Very Good

Over the last two decades, Cillian Murphy has become one of the best actors in the industry. While he's finally getting his due after playing the titular role in Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer," fans just discovering the performer have plenty of great stuff to check out.

Though, according to the actor, you can probably skip his 2005 thriller, "Red Eye." Directed by horror icon Wes Craven, the film follows a woman named Lisa (Rachel McAdams), who is accosted by a stranger she sits next to on a flight. "I love Rachel McAdams, and we had fun making it," Murphy told GQ. "But I don't think it's a good movie. It's a good B movie."

All the same, the actor opened up about what drew him to the project. "I think it's the duality of it. It's why I wanted to play it. That two thing," he explained. "The nice guy and the bad guy in one. The only reason it appealed to me is you could do that. That turn, you know?"

It's easy to see what Murphy means regarding his "Red Eye" performance. The movie starts like a meet-cute; Lisa is stuck at the airport, waiting for an overdue flight after a long day, and she keeps running into the handsome and charming Jackson Rippner (in case you thought this movie was taking itself too seriously).

Cillian Murphy's change in Red Eye is absolutely chilling

When Lisa finds herself seated by Jackson on the plane, he immediately drops his facade. As it turns out, he's part of a terrorist organization, and he needs Lisa to make a pivotal call for him, or he says he will have her father executed. As Murphy suggests, it's all a bit ridiculous, but his performance helps sell the premise.

Like many dangerous killers throughout history, Jackson is charismatic and likable in "Red Eye" until it's time to start the game. The suddenness of the change is intense and might shock viewers who watch the movie without knowing the plot. For her part, Rachel McAdams said that she also enjoyed Murphy's performance as the film's antagonist.

"They say the nicest people sometimes make the best villains," McAdams told GQ. "We'd listen to music and gab away while doing the crossword puzzle, which he brought every day and would graciously let me chime in on," she recalled. While "Red Eye" is unlikely to be remembered among the actor's best work, as Murphy said, it's a solid enough B movie, and coming in at a brisk 85 minutes, it's worth taking a risk on.