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The First Madam Web Was In ... A Twinkies Ad?

The clairvoyant Cassandra Webb, aka Madame Web, made it to the big screen with a self-titled movie where she's played by Dakota Johnson. The character has a vast history to pull from since she was first introduced in Marvel Comics in 1980. Over the years, she's been in numerous comics as well as the 1994 "Spider-Man" cartoon series, the very best of all Spider-Man animated series. But a different Madam Web came to be several years before Cassandra was around, and unless you're into the history of Twinkies advertising, you may not have been aware of her existence.

There's a 1977 comic-based ad for Twinkies where Spider-Man is blamed for obstructing a harbor with his webbing. However, it was actually the doing of the villainous Madam Web, notably not the same as Madame Web thanks to the lack of an "E." Peter Parker is able to convince Madam Web to clear his name in exchange for ... delicious Twinkies. Of course, she's promptly arrested, but the only thing on her mind is that she's not getting any Twinkies now. Spider-Man swings away while a crowd cheers for him and the tasty cream-filled snacks. 

This Twinkies ad is the only time Madam Web has appeared in anything. She has nothing to do with the Madame Web we know and love and is simply a generic spider-based villain with no ability to see into the future. Otherwise, she probably would've seen that she wasn't getting those Twinkies.

When will the Twinkie-obsessed Madam Web get her own movie?

Credit has to go where credit's due for the creation of the Madame Web that's remained an essential part of Spider-Man lore for decades. Cassandra Webb exists thanks to Dennis O'Neil and John Romita Jr., who introduced the clairvoyant spider lady in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #210. In her first comic book outing, Madame Web is an ally to Spider-Man, who helps him with a kidnapping case thanks to her ability to see things others cannot. It's a decidedly cooler intro than Madam Web admitting that she webbed a bridge because she thought there were snack pastries in it for her. 

More than likely, having Madam Web before Madame Web is merely a coincidence, as there's no indication the name was derived from the Twinkies ad villain in any way. It's likely a case of parallel thinking, with various people realizing it's a cool name. Still, with this knowledge, it's a little disappointing that Madam Web couldn't have factored in the "Madame Web" movie at all. With all of the various references to Pepsi, one would imagine there could've been a moment when Dakota Johnson or Sydney Sweeney ate a Twinkie or something. With all the dumb things in "Madame Web" already, it wouldn't have been that strange. 

Of course, now there could be fan theories of how the Twinkie-obsessed Madam Web is a variant of Cassandra Webb or something. After all, the title of Madame Web can be passed down as Cassandra was killed in the comics, so Julia Carpenter took on the moniker. With the Marvel Multiverse now on the big screen, it's high time Madam Web had a rebirth.