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The 5 Most Disgusting Movies Ever Made, According To Reddit

This article contains descriptions of rape, sexual assault, incest, child abuse, extreme violence, and cannibalism.

There is no shortage of disturbing and depraved movies out there, ranging from the outrageous body horror and endless sexual taboos found in David Cronenberg's works to the provocative brutality of Lars Von Trier's films. However, even amid efforts like "Crash" or "Antichrist," some movies are so shockingly foul that they regularly find themselves in the conversation for the title of "most disgusting movie ever."

It is these types of movies that we will be spotlighting here. Please note that, despite the list of trigger warnings at the top, nothing can truly prepare you for the content of the five films we're exploring in this article. Even cinephiles who haven't seen these features are likely well aware of their reputations and some of their most revolting plot elements.

With those caveats out of the way, let's settle in to discuss five of the most gruesome and harrowing films ever shown on the silver screen, as determined by user upvotes in this Reddit thread. You'll also want to be aware that we'll be spoiling these films in full, just in case one of them happens to be on your watchlist. You're probably going to want to leave the popcorn behind for this one, as you may have a hard time keeping it down while watching (or even reading about) these stomach-churning movies.

Human Centipede 2 makes the first film feel like a picnic

As if the concept of the original "Human Centipede" isn't revolting enough, Tom Six returns for a sequel that makes the coprophagia and body mutilation of the first film look like a walk in the park. The film follows a deranged, mentally ill, and developmentally challenged man who is obsessed with the first movie and decides to create his own human centipede out of 12 people he has abducted expressly for this purpose.

If you've somehow been lucky enough to avoid this trilogy up until now, we now have the unfortunate task of explaining to you what exactly a "human centipede" is. The grim idea involves severing the ligaments of the victim's legs, knocking out their teeth, and then sewing their mouths to each other's anuses to force them to eat the excrement of the person in front of them.

"The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence" adds countless demented ideas to this already twisted premise, including having Martin (Laurence R. Harvey) masturbate with sandpaper and rape the woman at the back end of the centipede. It's all done in bad taste, and, as a result, the film was poorly received by both critics and audiences. As such, this one is only for those obsessed with seeing how realistically these acts can be portrayed through practical effects or people who are (for some reason) really into the premise of this nasty trilogy of films.

Pink Flamingos may be John Waters' most disturbing film

Writer-director John Waters has made a career out of crafting one disgusting movie after another. Even so, 1972's black comedy "Pink Flamingos" might be the most vomit-inducing film in his entire filmography. Described by Waters himself as "an exercise in poor taste," there is no level of warning that can prepare viewers for what they're in for when they sit down with this one.

The film follows Divine (played by the real-life drag queen of the same name) as she and two equally depraved rivals compete for the title of "filthiest person alive." While this plot might sound like perfect fodder for a dark comedy, the film goes to increasingly disturbing lengths to showcase the horrific competition.

In one scene, a real-life chicken is crushed to death between a man and the woman he is sexually assaulting. As if that isn't enough, a mother fellates her son, and a family murders and eats the corpses of police officers. However, the demented cherry on top comes at the end when Divine famously eats a real piece of fresh dog feces to the tune of "How Much is That Doggy in the Window?"

Despite featuring this kind of explicit, unmanufactured horror, "Pink Flamingos" has gone down in history as something of a critically acclaimed cult classic. "Depraved, to be sure, but very funny and consistently subversive; one of the great sick-humor comedies," wrote Rob Gonsalves of Rob's Movie Vault. Conversely, Variety called it "one of the most vile, stupid, and repulsive films ever made.

A Serbian Film is a revolting piece of shock cinema

If you're the kind of person who reads the plot synopses of movies like these out of morbid curiosity, "A Serbian Film" is bound to be the one that makes your jaw hit the floor. The film follows a porn star who attempts to make the switch to acting through a supposed art film that will allow him to try something different.

Unfortunately for him and, well, everybody (including the audience), Miloš (Srđan Todorović) has actually been tricked into taking part in a snuff film. The horrific consequences of this deception are revealed early on but become more profoundly disturbing with each passing minute of the film's runtime.

That's because this set-up is an excuse for some of the most disgusting moments in cinematic history. These include the sexual assault of a newborn baby, a skull-based sexual murder, at least two scenes of incestuous sex, and more grim and gruesome scenes that you can discover for yourself if you have the stomach for this kind of thing.

While director and co-writer Srđan Spasojević tried to explain away the over-the-top nastiness and crushing brutality of "A Serbian Film" as some sort of political commentary, it rings a bit hollow considering how far the movie ultimately goes. "This is a diary of our own molestation by the Serbian government," he said during a SXSW Q&A (via the Wall Street Journal). "It's about the monolithic power of leaders who hypnotize you to do things you don't want to do. You have to feel the violence to know what it's about." Erm, sure, pal. Whatever you say.

I Spit On Your Grave is an obscenely violent thriller

There is a long and sordid history of rape-revenge thrillers in the realms of horror and exploitation cinema. While some of these films can actually be worth your while, others simply bask in the shallow voyeuristic thrill of the disturbingly violent and sexual acts committed throughout.

"I Spit On Your Grave" and its sequels straddle the line between the two extremes but are mostly just there for gore hounds who want to watch people die in really bad ways. This is '70s shock cinema at its absolute height. Not only does it feature the sickening gang rape and violent assault of Jennifer (Camille Heaton) that provide the impetus for the film, but things only get more deranged from there.

As these films generally do, "I Spit On Your Grave" uses the assault on Jennifer to lean into all manners of violent revenge fantasies. The most notable are a man left to bleed to death after his genitals are cut off and the film's final victim, who is graphically torn to pieces by a boat motor.

Though this might be one worth throwing on late at night if you're into this kind of thing, it's worth noting that other movies exist that do much more interesting things with the same basic premise. With that in mind, you'll probably get more out of films like "Irreversible," "The Virgin Spring," or "Revenge" than this one, as they have a more artistic flair and lean further into the themes at the core of this kind of story.

Salo depicts some of the most horrific acts ever brought to the screen

If you've watched terrifyingly disturbing films like "Come and See" or "Schindler's List," you might think that you've seen it all as far as the terrors that occurred during the fascist dictatorships of World War II. If you're brave enough to attempt to endure "Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom," you'll almost certainly discover that you were wrong.

Like "A Serbian Film," the premise of "Salo" is basically used as an excuse to show as many depraved and harrowing acts on film as humanly possible. Both men and women are raped and sexually assaulted with impunity, and anyone who attempts to escape or fight back is summarily murdered.

This is just the beginning, though. There are scenes where the many victims who have been abducted by Italian fascists are forced to eat excrement. And, in perhaps the film's most horrific moment, the surviving abductees begin turning on one another in hopes of currying favor with their captors.

The remaining victims are killed through means like scalping, dismemberment, burning, and ... well, you get the idea. Of the movies on this list, "Pink Flamingos" and "Salo" are the two that have the most favorable reputation with critics, but you're going to really have to test your mettle if you want to watch any of these five mind-scarring films. On the other hand, maybe sit down with something like "Amelie" or "Paddington" if you want to cleanse your mind of everything you just read.

If you or someone you know may be the victim of child abuse, please contact the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453) or contact their live chat services.

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

If you have been impacted by incidents of mass violence, or are experiencing emotional distress related to incidents of mass violence, you can call or text the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 for support.