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Madame Web Rotten Tomatoes Score: How Critics & Audiences Feel About The Marvel Movie

Sony has had a real roller coaster regarding the quality of their various Spider-Man-related films. While both Spider-Verse movies have been critical darlings, more tangentially connected efforts like "Venom" and "Morbius" have taken a beating in professional reviews. 

Unfortunately, "Madame Web" finds itself in the second camp. The new movie is so widely panned that it has a Rotten Tomatoes score in the same ballpark as "Morbius." So, what do people have to say about it?

"What an unreservedly hopeless film this is," wrote Robbie Collin of The Daily Telegraph. "A sort of two-hour explosion in a boringness factory, in which the forces of dullness and stupidity combine in new and infinitely perturbing ways." Meanwhile, Matt Singer of ScreenCrush cut to the chase, writing, "It doesn't take clairvoyance to see this franchise has no future."

On the other hand, fans were much kinder on Rotten Tomatoes, giving "Madame Web" a score of 59%, compared to its dismal critical rating of 14%. "Went to see the film on 14/02/24 and honestly thoroughly enjoyed the film," wrote user Michael A. "The story was enticing, the dialogue was brilliant. One of the top films I've seen in a while. Highly recommend to go and see it!" they concluded.

There's a pretty big discrepancy between fans and critics

Of course, this isn't the first time that fans have fought back against critics, especially concerning superhero movies. Notably, both "Venom" and "Morbius" have a massive gulf between the reactions of professional and more casual movie reviewers.

This trend continues with "Madame Web," where the void between critics and viewers is substantial. "Madame Web's disastrously-woven pile of flaws exceeds the descriptive limits of not only the English language but of the very collective of contrived sound itself," read a particularly scathing take from Charlotte Simmons of We Got This Covered.

Fans pushed back in many of their approximations. "Awesome film kept me laughing and such a great period piece," said Jasmine M. However, not all were so kind to "Madame Web." "If you thought Aquaman was bad, this movie is atrocious," wrote Joe R. User Elvs P. agreed, writing, "More horrible writing and stories ... save your money ... This is the worst Sony MCU movie to date."

Since we're still in one of the slower parts of the release schedule, casual audiences may be enticed to give "Madame Web" a shot. Still, taking a beating this nasty just two years after "Morbius" is not a good look for Sony's Marvel movies.