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Joker 2 Set Photos Of Joaquin Phoenix & Lady Gaga Stole Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day 2023, Lady Gaga shared an image on X (formerly known as Twitter) of her character Harley Quinn in "Joker: Folie á Deux" with Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. About a month later, the creative team released more "Joker 2" set photos of Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn – giving us a better look at the upcoming bad romance. Now, director Todd Phillips is keeping the tradition alive this Valentine's Day and sharing more images of the twisted pair ... and you might say it's driving fans mad.

Fans lost it at the images, which include Harley nuzzling Arthur Fleck and the pair dancing on a rooftop. Lady Gaga's little monsters came out in full force, as @alexandrablack wrote: "GAGA COMING FOR THE OSCAR AGAIN METHINKS." Others wanted a trailer release update — like user @kirk.reay, who posted: "I s*** you not, every day when I'm home from work, I check YouTube for a trailer. I'm that hyped." As a bonus for Joker fans, Phillips teased the release date window for the film's trailer in the comments, stating: "The movie comes out in October. So our first teaser won't be out until mid April."

Some famous faces also expressed their enthusiasm for Joker 2

Of course, it's easy to fall down a rabbit hole reading through all the DC fan comments expressing their excitement over "Joker: Folie à Deux." But even some Hollywood stars are coming out to express their excitement for this film and seeing a new iteration of Harley Quinn on screen. Aaron Paul, best known for playing Jesse Pinkman on "Breaking Bad," gave his seal of approval by posting three black hearts. And he's far from the only celebrity who can't wait for Phillips' vision to arrive on October 4.

Todd McFarlane, co-founder of Image Comics as well as the creator of the "Spawn" series, posted: "This movie is going to crush." McFarlane's been in the world of comic books for a while, so if he's that excited, that's certainly a good sign. He's even worked on Batman stories in the past with "Batman: Year Two," which makes it even more exciting to see how he receives the film. 

Even the Instagram account for IMAX got in on the fun by writing, "The duo we NEEDED this Valentine's Day." So, it's clear plenty of people will be seated when "Joker 2" finally comes out this October. And hopefully, everyone's Valentine's Day this year was better than it the romance will likely fair between Joker and Harley Quinn this fall.