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Unused Green Lantern Art For Zack Snyder's Justice League Is Making Fans Feel Robbed

The fact that a second cut of "Justice League" re-engineered by director Zack Snyder exists at all is something of a miracle in our current entertainment landscape. Still, even with nearly total creative freedom, there were some aspects that he wasn't able to achieve with his superpowered sequel.

The filmmaker has been highly public about wanting to include Green Lantern in the ending of "Zack Snyder's Justice League." Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to use the character due to Warner Bros.' plans for that franchise. Now, fans are mourning what could have been following the release of some concept art showing what the hero could have looked like in the film.

This comes from the Instagram of concept artist @jsmarantz, who recently unveiled six pieces of Green Lantern artwork that he had designed for the Justice League member. The first is a full-body shot from the front and the back, showing the entire design of the hero's suit.

Naturally, Snyderverse fans were miffed by the reveal, lamenting the death of the previous DC regime yet again. "Another great piece of work and just another disappointment that [the] studio let such [an] ambitious universe with each character designed, crafted so carefully with affection and passion go [to] total waste," wrote @dahiya95. "I hope to see this come to life one day in Snyderverse."

The variations on the Green Lantern suit are all impressive

The "Zack Snyder's Justice League" designs showcase many of the traditional aspects of Green Lantern as his various forms have been displayed in DC Comics. This includes his green mask, lantern chest symbol, and variations that showcase the character in several different versions of his iconic green and black suit.

"Hopefully, James Gunn reuses this design for his DCU Hal Jordan," wrote @zillauniverse. While the user may not have meant to provoke with their response, it is interesting to note that these designs for "Zack Snyder's Justice League" appear to show a Caucasian version of the hero rather than the Black John Stewart played by Wayne T. Carr, who was meant to play Green Lantern in the film.

Despite this discrepancy, fans of DC Comics and the Snyderverse couldn't stop heaping praise on the design. "This looks awesome!" commented @brandon.yap. "It fits with the textured but classic suit designs the DCEU went with!" While it is cool to see what could have been for "Zack Snyder's Justice League," Snyderverse devotees will just have to take in this concept art to imagine how things could have been different for the DC Extended Universe.