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Small Details You Missed In The Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer

Arguably the most hotly-anticipated superhero movie of 2024, the third "Deadpool" film finally dropped its first trailer during the Super Bowl. We've known since September 2022 that the film will feature the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in a much-desired team-up of two "X-Men" anti-heroes. While the trailer doesn't provide much in the way of Hugh Jackman, we do get plenty of big reveals, including the film's official title: "Deadpool & Wolverine."

We also finally get confirmation that the film will involve the Time Variance Authority, the extra-dimensional police agency that monitors activities across the multiverse, first seen in the Disney+ series "Loki." The trailer also appears to confirm that the sequel will send Deadpool across multiple alternate realities and revisit movies from Marvel's long film history. But, beyond the biggest reveals, there are plenty more tidbits about the next "Deadpool" adventure.

From blink-and-you'll-miss-it Easter eggs to character cameos, here are the small details you may not have noticed in the trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" and what they could mean for the movie — as well as the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Shatterstar's return raises serious multiverse questions

The first teaser trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" doesn't open on a big action scene, but in Wade Wilson's apartment in a quiet moment among friends. It's Wade's birthday, and many of his mutant mates are present. Colossus and Yukio are there, and so are his more ordinary pals like Dopinder. However, there's one friend shown at the party who really shouldn't be there — Shatterstar.

Played by Lewis Tan in "Deadpool 2," Shatterstar was a member of Wade's newly-formed X-Force team, which also included Domino (Zazie Beetz), Bedlam (Terry Crews), Zeitgeist (Bill Skarsgard), Vanisher (Brad Pitt), and Peter (Rob Delaney). In a memorable moment, nearly every member of the group is killed during the team's first mission, including Shatterstar. While Peter did survive — and does show up at Wade's party in the trailer — Shatterstar was turned to mush when he landed in the spinning blades of a helicopter.

Seeing Shatterstar back (once again played by Tan) in "Deadpool & Wolverine" doesn't necessarily mean he's come back to life. Given the presence of the TVA, it's more likely that the opening moment of the trailer actually takes place in an alternate timeline. This also begs the question — is this an alternate version of Deadpool? It's certainly possible, but considering how Wade is immediately confronted by TVA agents could mean this is our Deadpool, but in a different universe. If that's true, then the real question is what prompted Wade to live in an alternate timeline.

Deadpool gets a job

When we meet Wade Wilson in the first "Deadpool" film, we learn that he's a highly trained mercenary. With uncanny reflexes and a deadly aim, he's the perfect killer, made all the more dangerous when he's given a superpowered healing factor. But, in the trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine," we find that Wade is living a more ordinary life — in one reality or another — and he's chosen a very different profession.

When an agent from the Time Variance Authority is giving him the third degree, we see Wade sitting in front of a set of lockers in a brief shot. As he peers into an open locker, revealing his Deadpool outfit, we get a look at Wade out of costume. He's wearing a very different kind of uniform: It's not that of a mercenary or a superhero, but of a salesman. In fact, Wade even has a name tag that appears to read "Sales Consultant."

This could mean that, at some point, Wade gave up the life of being a killer and a hero and settled down, getting a regular job and living a more ordinary life. Clearly, though, something prompts him to come out of "retirement" and put the Deadpool suit back on, and it looks as though the TVA is at least semi-responsible for that decision.

A flashback to Marvel's greatest hits

Among the biggest reveals in the "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer is the presence of the Time Variance Authority, which had been rumored to be involved in the film for quite some time. Seen in both seasons of "Loki," the TVA's participation in the latest "Deadpool" sequel suggests that it will continue to play a vital role in the overarching Marvel Cinematic Universe story. Chances are the organization will interfere with the lives of other superheroes going forward, but for now, it's Wade Wilson who is on the TVA's radar.

When the TVA grabs him, the lead agent gives Wade the lowdown on the wider multiverse, with a series of TV screens that show clips from various Marvel movies. There are some clips from the opening action sequence in "Avengers: Age of Ultron," including snippets of Iron Man blasting Hydra goons and the entire team leaping into action. We also get a glimpse of the finale of "Thor: Ragnarok," as the Asgardian superhero prepares to confront Hela's undead army.

In the next scene, we're shown some clips from "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." These include Cap's fight with Batroc the Leaper and his daring escape from SHIELD headquarters. The final screen in the scene shows a closeup of Cap from the end fight sequence with the Winter Soldier himself. Do these clips mean we'll be revisiting moments from these movies, or is it just a random selection of the MCU's greatest hits? We'll have to wait and see.

A return to Hydra's forest base

Throughout the "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer, we get repeated looks at Wade Wilson fighting TVA agents in a snowy forest. Some fans are speculating that this is the place where Wolverine was laid to rest at the end of "Logan," but it's more likely to be the site of the opening battle in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" — the same place shown on the TVA screens earlier in the trailer. This forest, located in the fictional country of Sokovia, contains a secret Hydra base run by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who had come into possession of Loki's scepter from the previous film. It looks like Wade has arrived in the aftermath of the battle, with a Hydra truck already destroyed in the background.

In this new scene, Wade has a showdown with a group of heavily armed TVA agents, prompting him to call for a time-out. But what is Deadpool doing in an "Avengers: Age of Ultron" scene? Is he trying to stop a time-traveling villain from unraveling the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Or is he perhaps attempting to make older Marvel movies better? After all, "Age of Ultron" wasn't as well-received as the first team-up movie, and with Wade referring to himself as the savior of Marvel, he may simply be trying to improve older MCU entries. After all, the film is a comedy as well as a superhero flick, and this would be a very Deadpool thing to do.

Who are those mystery villains?

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" is that it doesn't reveal the identity of the movie's main villain. We do get a quick look at what appears to be the big bad from the back, but nothing is confirmed. We can, however, make some educated guesses. 

In 2023, British actor Emma Corrin revealed that they would be playing the movie's villain, but they stopped short of saying who that is. The rumor mill has been spinning for months, though, and all talk has centered on the possibility that Corrin is playing Cassandra Nova. In the comics, Nova is a twin of sorts of Professor X. They were born on the astral plane and used Charles Xavier's DNA to fashion a body. In the trailer, the reverse shot of the villain confirms that the character is bald, and the high collar is reminiscent of Nova's comic book outfit, lending real credence to these rumors.

There's another villain in the trailer who remains a mystery: A man shrouded in post-apocalyptic attire who is seen wielding some serious weaponry. There's no mention of his identity, but there is one possibility that leaps out at us — it's Deadpool himself from an alternate timeline, out to destroy the MCU. If that's the case, it would confirm long-standing fan theories that the film is inspired by the limited series "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe," theories that are backed up by the (albeit fleeting) presence of President Deadpool in the trailer.

An homage to a classic Wolverine comic

One scene shown briefly in the first trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" may be an homage to an iconic Wolverine moment in the comics. If it is, it could even hint at a major cameo. It happens while Wade is talking about his excitement over joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, saying how it's "about to change forever." We see him walking through a dimly-lit casino, and as he strolls forward, the camera switches to his point of view — he's looking at a poker table at the end of the room, with one very important person in a white suit at the head of said table.

Seen from behind, the profile of the man's hair tells us that this is probably Logan. If it is, then it's clearly a nod to "Wolverine" #8 from 1989. In that issue, Wolverine — while going by the name Patch — travels to the infamous city of Madripoor. While there, he has an adventure with none other than the Incredible Hulk, who is calling himself Mr. Fixit. In the issue, both Wolverine and Hulk sport white tuxedos with black bow ties. If this snippet in the trailer is indeed from a scene paying tribute to that issue, it may even mean we're in for a cameo from Mark Ruffalo's Hulk.

Giant Fox logo in ruins

It's been a few years since Disney paid a staggering $71.3 billion to acquire 20th Century Fox, the movie studio behind the first two "Deadpool" films. There was plenty of worry at the time that Disney execs wouldn't allow the R-rated "Deadpool" franchise to be integrated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, Ryan Reynolds put that to bed long ago. He's even made plenty of meta jokes about the House of Mouse and its takeover of Fox.

Of course, it's to be expected that Deadpool will be making plenty of fourth-wall-breaking cracks about the Disney acquisition of Fox in the latest "Deadpool" film. We even expect him to poke fun at Kevin Feige himself and joke about fan fears about the watering down of his franchise. One thing we didn't expect to see is a large, elaborate action set piece involving a recreation of the 20th Century Fox logo.

In more than one moment in the trailer (likely all from the same scene), we see Deadpool battling villains in front of a 3D, building-sized version of the Fox logo, broken and half buried as if it had been left to rot for decades. What happened to it, and why it even exists, is anyone's guess. But, given the meta nature of the "Deadpool" franchise, we wouldn't be surprised to learn that the film's villain is responsible for merging the two studios and getting Wade into the MCU.

More Hydra Easter eggs

Now that we know that "Deadpool & Wolverine" is indeed going to be hopping through time and (more than likely) through multiple movie dimensions, it opens up a host of possibilities for crazy cameos. Though the trailer doesn't give us many, there's some familiar elements in it that call back to older Marvel Cinematic Universe adventures. In addition to the snowy Sokovian forest from "Avengers: Age of Ultron," we're shown what appears to be Hydra vehicles from "Captain America: The First Avenger."

In one key moment, Deadpool and a TVA agent are facing off against some unidentified goons. It appears that one of the henchmen is using a futuristic rifle that looks suspiciously similar to the ones provided to Hydra soldiers by the Red Skull. And, to the right of the frame, the front of what appears to be an advanced Hydra motorcycle can be seen, too. A quick cut or two later, we also see WWII-era motorcycles not unlike the one used by Captain America in his first movie, as well as a Hydra tank reminiscent of the ones seen in that film.

Behind-the-scenes leaks (shared by Slash Film) have hinted at the presence of Hydra and even the Red Skull in the latest "Deadpool" sequel. Judging by the fact that the trailer seems to show us two key Hydra locations from two distinct time periods, it looks like Hydra may play a much larger role in the film than anyone expected.

Aaron Stanford is back

There's long been speculation that "Deadpool 3" would be a multiverse-hopping adventure. As such, people expect to see cameos by characters from old Marvel movies. Many fans were hoping for appearances from the likes of Wesley Snipes' Blade or Ben Affleck's Daredevil, for example. The only real cameo from a previous "X-Men" movie in the first "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer is that of Aaron Stanford, presumably reprising his role as Pyro from "X2: X-Men United" and "X-Men 3: The Last Stand."

Interestingly, Stanford is the only antagonist who actually gets a line of dialogue in the trailer, exclaiming, "God, I love this part!" while sitting beside the mysterious, apocalyptically-dressed villain. In "X2," he was more of a reluctant villain, a student at Charles Xavier's school who joins with Magneto after a government crackdown on mutants. In the sequel, he went full-tilt baddie, and if this is the same Pyro, it seems he hasn't changed his ways.

Stanford also played the part of James Cole, the time-traveling freedom fighter in the TV adaptation of the 1995 Bruce Willis film "12 Monkeys." In some ways, this could make it a double return for the actor, who is apparently back as Pyro and also seemingly returning to the role of time traveler in a neat little nod. Whether his role is more than a glorified Easter egg is anyone's guess at this stage.

The Chitauri in San Francisco?

Toward the end of the trailer, there's a great shot of the unidentified, "Mad Max"-like villain standing atop a Hydra tank and activating a large weapon of some sort. There are several details in the background of this scene that provide clues to the film's story. First is the presence of what appears to be San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.

A pivotal location in the "X-Men" films, the Golden Gate Bridge was used by Magneto in "X-Men 3: The Last Stand." He tore it from its roots and used it to create a walkway to Alcatraz Island. The bridge in the trailer seems to be destroyed, and the California landscape seems to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland, possibly suggesting that this scene takes place in the same universe as "The Last Stand." But what makes it strange is what's in front of the bridge.

Behind the villain, half buried, is what looks like the remains of a Chitauri Leviathan. These flying alien beasts were part of the Battle of New York in "The Avengers," and their remains were used to create advanced weaponry for SHIELD, as well as the "Spider-Man" villain the Vulture. Is this new villain — whoever they are — collecting advanced tech from the history of Marvel movies to build some kind of doomsday weapon?

A tease for Marvel's next major cinematic event

The first decade of stories in the MCU culminated with "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame," an epic two-part saga that changed the face of superhero films forever. Deadpool himself seems to be teasing the next big Marvel movie event in the trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" with an Easter egg in the final shot. It can be seen when Wade is lying in the desert with the shadow of Wolverine looms above him. While most viewers were probably locked on the shadowy form of Hugh Jackman as he unleashes his claws and takes a swipe at Deadpool, eagle-eyed fans found something else.

Off to Deadpool's right, laying conspicuously on the ground, face up, is an issue of the Marvel Comics event series "Secret Wars." This is no coincidence, because Marvel has already announced that the comic is being adapted into another two-part story, beginning in 2026 with "Avengers 5" and concluding with "Avengers: Secret Wars" a year later. With fans hoping that both Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds could return for one or both of those movies, the presence of the comic feels like serious foreshadowing.