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Twitter Reacts To Avengers: Endgame

When it comes to Avengers: Endgame, the term "highly anticipated" barely covers it. It's been a full year since Thanos decimated the universe and left us all hanging in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War, but the wait for the sequel — and some answers — is finally over. Endgame broke the all-time Thursday box office record, raking in a whopping $60 million on its opening day. Lines spilled out into the street as fans flocked to their nearest cinema to watch the culmination of a decade of Marvel movies, and judging from the reaction on Twitter, the vast majority left more than happy.

The cast of Endgame have pleaded with fans to keep the details of the movie to themselves, but spoilers are already starting to flood the internet. If you don't want to know how Endgame pans out, now's your cue to leave. If you've already seen it (or you just can't wait a second longer) then read on, because we've got all the best Twitter reactions right here.

Kevin Smith called it 'beyond epic'

Filmmaker and self-professed fanboy Kevin Smith (who entered MCU history himself recently via Stan Lee's Captain Marvel cameo) got to attend the Endgame world premiere with his daughter, Harley Quinn Smith. Yes, the man loves comics. Unsurprisingly, the Mallrats director absolutely loved the movie, and he was eager to share that fact. Taking to Twitter afterwards, Smith predicted that Endgame was going to smash box office records. "3 hours later and I'm shook!" he tweeted. "My God, Avengers: Endgame is beyond epic! It's everything you hope it will be and more — an absolute Marvel Studios marvel! And I'm pretty sure it will make all the money ever printed! Loved it and would watch again instantly!"

Delayed gratification

The general feeling in the Twittersphere following the release of Endgame was one of satisfaction. Directors the Russo brothers (in their last Marvel outing) hit all the right marks and the huge ensemble cast performed brilliantly, as reflected in the film's mighty impressive Rotten Tomatoes score. Angie J. Han, deputy entertainment editor at Mashable, summed this feeling up when she tweeted: "Remember the time Tom Hiddleston taught children the phrase 'delayed gratification,'" linking to a clip of the Loki actor giving Sesame Street's Cookie Monster a tongue-in-cheek lesson in patience. Han did have one complaint, however — she now feels old. "I was several years out of college by the time Iron Man came out so I feel more or less exactly like a 99-year-old popsicle man right now," she said in a second tweet.

The greatest superhero movie ever

The hype surrounding Avengers: Endgame was so huge that it would have been considered a disappointment if was anything short of the best superhero movie ever made. Fortunately for Marvel and everyone involved with the picture, it was exactly that — at least according to Emmy-nominated producer and film critic Scott Mantz. "INCREDIBLE!! brings the entire MCU to a rousing, exciting, deeply moving and wholly satisfying conclusion!" Mantz tweeted. "It's a *BEAUTIFUL* film! Fun, smart, clever, BRILLIANT! Perfect blend of action, heart and humor! This is as good as it gets! Greatest superhero movie EVER!"

The battle to end all battles

With a runtime of three hours and one minute, Marvel ran the risk of dragging out proceedings somewhat, but if anything, three hours and one minute wasn't enough. The film hurtles by as loose ends are tied and sacrifices are made, culminating in a battle of truly epic proportions. After the time-traveling Avengers finally manage to bring the Infinity Stones back to the present, Thanos (who becomes aware of their plot to undo his mass genocide) arrives to wipe them and the rest of humanity out for good. One thing's for sure, the final act of the movie really sticks with you. "I can't stop thinking about it," YouTube star NoahJ456 tweeted. "I think the last hour of Avengers: Endgame was the greatest hour of film ever to be shown on the big screen."

CinemaBlend editor left 'stunned' and 'floored'

CinemaBlend events editor Eric Eisenberg describes himself as a "film and comics obsessive" in his Twitter bio, meaning he's the kind of guy who's particularly hard to please when it comes to superhero movies. Judging from the tweet he sent out after seeing Endgame for the first time, Marvel exceeded expectations with this picture. "This can't be understated: Avengers: Endgame is everything you want it to be and more," Eisenberg tweeted. "I am absolutely floored. A perfect reflection on the last 11 years that pays off everything in the best way possible. Without question my new favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe film. Stunned."

Memes galore

Character limits mean nothing when there's a good meme to express how you feel. Twitter users were on form when Endgame dropped, with fans using images and clips to convey the emotions that their words simply could not. One user posted a screenshot of Chadwick Boseman's King T'Challa during the Black Panther scene in which he tells his late father that he is not ready to be without him. "Me staying in my seat and refusing to leave the cinema after the credits rolled because I'm far too attached to these characters and this story," they tweeted along with it. Other users have been poking fun at the fact that Marvel has urged people not to spoil the movie, posting what they're calling "spoilers without context." These range from beer bellies and rats to cheeseburgers and tacos. If you've seen Endgame, you get it.

Epic is the word

The word "epic" is probably thrown around a little too liberally in the world of pop culture, and the word was used a lot on Twitter following the premiere of Endgame. Was this just fans doing what fans do and going overly crazy over something they love, or is Endgame truly epic? According to novelist and veteran reporter Anthony Breznican (currently a senior staff writer for Entertainment Weekly), it most certainly is. "Epic is the word," he tweeted. "Epic multiplied by a decade of emotion, excitement and investment. This is the payoff. It left me with a full heart, but one I had has some scars on it. Those are the strongest kind, after all."

Separating the fake spoilers from the real ones

While many have been trolling Avengers fans with wild and elaborate fake spoilers (check out this supposed leaked ending and you'll get the picture), some people have broken the golden rule and revealed big details from the movie on Twitter. We're going to dive into those big spoilers right now, so this is your last chance to keep Endgame a secret if you haven't seen it. If that's the case, you'd better go soon, because tweets like this one are making the rounds: "Iron man dies, Natasha Romanoff dies, Captain America gets old (technically implied dead) Thor is fat, Gamora is now alive and Loki is also alive, Valkyrie is now the ruler of Asgard, Thanos disappears. Tony Stark has a daughter. Bruce Banner and Hulk live as one so it's smart Hulk." Yikes. That pretty much sums the whole thing up.

Why is Professor Hulk so hot?

It happened with Josh Brolin's Thanos after Infinity War, but this time out, Mark Ruffalo's Hulk was Twitter's bizarre crush. Ruffalo has played Bruce Banner and the Hulk for years now, so what's the big deal? This time, they're one and the same, and the result is giving some Twitter users confusing feelings. "Hey not to be predictably me, but why is Professor Hulk so hot?" one smitten fan tweeted, while another said that they were sticking to their guns despite the critics. "I'm being bullied for speaking my truth!" they tweeted. "Yes, I'd smash Hulk! He's the hot professor I've always wanted!"