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The One Marvel Death That's Too Nasty For Disney's MCU

With the likes of Deadpool, Blade, Daredevil, and The Punisher set to descend on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's clear that the safeguards for Disney's superheroes are on the cusp of coming off. Good. There are undoubtedly some gritty and unavoidably gory tales to be told from the Marvel Comics universe, but one story that should be kept as far away from the MCU as possible involves The Wasp, who, at one point, was found being eaten by a cannibalistic X-Men villain.

The graphic scene occurred in the Ultimate Marvel universe, which reinvented and reinterpreted the events of Marvel history through a more grounded and modern lens. It also led to Samuel L. Jackson's casting as Nick Fury when the MCU eventually kicked into gear. However, there was the occasional hiccup for every cool moment in the Ultimate Universe, with Wasp's death being one of them.

During the "Ultimatum" event, written by Jeph Loeb with David Finch illustrating, the Ultimate U's good guys united against Magneto, who went on an absolute rampage. This clash led to a handful of heroes being killed off, including Janet Van Dyne. Following a disastrous tidal wave that sweeps Manhattan, Franklin Dukes, aka The Blob, is found eating Wasp's drowned remains, which he compares to tasting like chicken. It's a horrible sight and is met in kind by Yellowjacket, who reacts by using his Giant-Man growth powers and biting The Blob's head off in revenge. Unlike Jackson playing Fury, this act doesn't have a place in Disney's MCU — but that doesn't mean a variation of it couldn't arrive somewhere in the franchise in the years to come.

Marvel Zombies could do a role reversal in honor of the Wasp

While we don't anticipate seeing Evangeline Lilly get chomped on in a future Marvel movie, there's one project that's on the way where Marvel Studios could pay homage to Wasp's comic book demise. If we're reunited with her in the animated show "Marvel Zombies," that is.

MCU fans were given a rotting taste of the anticipated series via "What If...?" Season 1, Episode 5, "What If..? Zombies,!" where we saw Wasp sacrifice herself to the zombie horde to save the other surviving heroes. With that in mind, it'd be an easy wink to comic book fans to show a now-decaying Hope chowing down on anyone that looks remotely like the Blob (mutants might be on the menu in the MCU by that time) as a nice little twisted homage to that horrific moment in comic book history.

Such a concept might seem a bit too far for the world of "What If...?," but it's already been confirmed that "Marvel Zombies," which is inspired by the comic written by "The Walking Dead's" Robert Kirkman with art by "Criminal" co-creator Sean Phillips, will cut a little deeper. The show, while not taking its storylines from the pages of the comic book series, will have a TV-MA rating, promising a meaner monster than fans might expect. Considering that, a scene where we see Van Dyne dine on some poor victim, only to compare them to chicken, could be worth it if served just right.