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AI Reimagines Pokémon Based On Different Countries & You'll Wanna Catch 'Em All

The thing about Pokémon is that they can be anything. Even Generation 1 — the oldest batch of Pocket Monsters — features both Gyrados, a majestic serpent inspired by Chinese Mythology, and Ditto, a sentient pink blob with a stick-figure smiley face. Variety is the whole point, and in the almost 30 years since Game Freak created its critter cash cow, the official Pokédex has expanded to feature over 1,000 unique Pokémon. There are creatures based on dragons, lawnmowers, jalapeños, and teddy bears, but only fans thought to add countries to the list.

In early 2023, digital artist PlanetAI posted a video slideshow to TikTok that displays 10 Fakemon based on different countries around the globe. Most AI renderings tend to have that "Serious CGI" aesthetic, which isn't exactly conducive to the "Pokémon" brand, and yet these new monsters are too cool to ignore.

What's most interesting about PlanetAI's artwork here is that it sparks questions. What does South Korea have to do with hippopotamuses? Is France well known for its control of electricity? And why does the American volcano lizard have so many toes? One thing's for certain, though: Only the Mexico Pokémon is gentle enough to appear on "Pokémon: Concierge." 

Welcome to PlanetAI's Pokédex

The first two, the Japan and China Pokémon, look like they could be the box art legendaries for a pair of games from the same generation. The Japan Pokémon is a light blue dragon with thick legs and a stout neck. That, alongside the floating, spiky protrusions, suggests an Ice typing. Conversely, the China Pokémon is a burning phoenix with charcoal gray feathers. Neither one is going down without at least 30 Ultra Balls.

The South Korea Pokémon is a bipedal, two-story hippo. Judging by the rage in its eyes, it is not friend-shaped. It also suffers from AI's incapacity to correctly count fingers and toes but, hey, the Pokédex can always use more hippos. The France Pokémon is less pleasant, however, because it's just a dead Jolteon that somebody poorly taxidermied. It doesn't look like that thing is alive. The Vietnam Pokémon looks like a fourth evolution for Bulbasaur, or maybe an ancient paradox variant of Venasaur.

The United Kingdom Pokémon is a promising Steel/Ground type dinosaur, the USA Pokémon looks like the perfect combination of lethal and cuddly, and the Mexico Pokémon should've been a Ghost-type in Paldea. The Italy Pokémon's got a lot going on. It's a stoic goat with ... far too many legs and horns. Is that a pencil moustache? It's hard to tell. The Canada Pokémon is in the same boat because it looks like someone melded together a Squirtle and a Totodile and neither looks happy about it. Despite the AI oddities in these mock-ups, these creatures wouldn't be the most shocking thing in "Pokémon."