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AI Reimagines Dragon Ball's Super Saiyan Goku As Superman - The Results Are Stunning

It's the question that has plagued fandom for decades. Who would win between the legendary Super Saiyan and the Last Son of Krypton? "Dragon Ball"'s most formidable hero, Goku, and the Man of Tomorrow, Superman, would undoubtedly make for an epic showdown, but seeing them fused would be just as awesome. Major props, then, to @esheffects on Instagram, who somehow managed to get the iconic heroes to perform the Fusion technique, showing what it would be like if Superman and Goku were one stupidly powerful being.

So what do we call him? Gokal-El? Superku? Whoever he is, he looks like a force to be reckoned with and a concept that @esheffects hyped up to well over 9000. "Superman and Super Saiyan Goku have merged, creating an unparalleled fusion of strength, speed, and cosmic energy," they wrote. 

The design of the characters merging is incredible enough, but the real perks would come from the powers of both characters complementing each other. Just think of it: Goku firing heat vision to rival Frieza or the Androids' Eye Laser, or a part Kryptonian who doesn't have to leap small buildings in a single bound but can reach planets via Instant Transmission. He'd be unstoppable! The only important matter, however, is which would be the preferred outfit for this union of immense power, and would it come with a cape?

The toughest challenge with Goku/Superman fusion is his wardrobe

While they might share similar strengths and speeds, fusing Goku and Superman would only increase the chances of encountering an issue that they both encounter regularly — wardrobe malfunctions. Given that Goku's energy blast-chucking throwdowns regularly lead to his gi suit tearing and Superman has the same issue when battling the likes of Doomsday or Darkseid, their fused form is going to face wear and tear. Considering this, what would the outfit of these combined characters look like, and would it last a fight with whichever unfortunate enemy dared to face them?

The Instagrammer has various options for this, each showing what would happen if one character was a more prominent presence in the fusion than the other. A Goku-looking character wearing Superman's iconic red and blue onesie with the cape to match looks cool, but so does the Saytonian (part Saiyan, part Kryptonian? Look, it sounds good; go with it) in a gi with that iconic S stretched across his chest.

However, just like with every good fusion, it's all about balance, and with that in mind, @esheffects's initial design on Instagram with an orange cape and bottoms and Superman's top half looks like the winning combination. Now we just need to see him go into battle against the villains of both franchises and hope that a senzu bean counteracts kryptonite.