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Marvel Debuts A Brand New 'Meta' Thor - But Who Is This Chad Hammer?

Contains spoilers for "Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1 (by Al Ewing and Greg Land)

Marvel Comics is launching one of its most meta stories ever, transforming the mighty Thor into Chad Hammer after some of his greatest villains buy the rights to his Earth-616 comic in a bid to change public perception of the hero.

Marvel has announced "Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1, a one-shot based on the current "Immortal Thor" series (by Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo, Matt Wilson, and VC's Joe Sabino). In the comic's current run, Thor has taken on a new Elder God named Toranos, and the story has also ventured back into the thunder god's first journey into mystery with his brother, Loki. However, each issue of "Immortal Thor" has ended with a cameo showing Dario Agger, aka The Minoatur and CEO of Roxxon Energy, reading the founding Avenger and current ruler of Asgard's current \ comic book adventures. Agger has been busy assembling his own team of villains, including Asgardians Skurge and Enchantress, and he's about to launch a meta attack on Thor.

"Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1 sees the Roxxon Energy Corporation take over ownership of Marvel Comics and the rights to Thor. The one-shot issue will tell a new story showcasing "Roxxin' Thor." But this version of the God of Thunder isn't the hero readers know and love — instead, he fights for big business and shareholder values. The new Thor is described as having "no thoughts, just muscles [and] a hammer." Working to further Roxxon's interests rather than the public's, Roxxin' Thor comes with a hilarious secret identity — Chad Hammer, an A.I.-promoting spokesperson who sounds absolutely horrible.

Thor is becoming Marvel's biggest buffoon

"Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1 spins right out of the events of "Immortal Thor" #9 (by Ewing and Ibraim Roberson). Thor will visit Roxxon and confront Dario Agger about his nefarious actions and plans. However, Agger and his fellow foes will use an unnamed weapon to trap Thor and set the events of the takeover of Marvel Comics and Earth-616, as well as Chad Hammer's creation, into motion.

Agger taking over "Immortal Thor" and transforming Thor into Roxxon's biggest protector takes the already meta nature of the series to a new level, turning the thunder god into a certified buffoon. As Chad Hammer, Thor's secret identity is a self-interested, A.I.-loving tech bro. As Thor, he's stripped down to basics while becoming a corporate shill. Hammer and Roxxin' Thor represent the opposite of what it means to be a hero. Agger is likely using some sort of magic (with the help of the Enchantress) to warp reality and turn the public against the hero.

Playing into the meta aspects of the story, Marvel Comics released the following statement from writer Al Ewing. Like the upcoming one-shot, it's warped with Roxxon propaganda:

"Roxxon's hostile takeover of Marvel Comics is the worse thing to happen to the industry in decades just what comic books needed!," Ewing told Marvel.com. "I was horrified jazzed beyond words when I saw how the so-called Roxxon Entertainment Standards Committee had gutted improved my work, methodically stripping away every iota of poetry, symbolism and metaphor junk no one cares about. The result is a comic that can best be described as an act of unforgivable violence against the medium I love a rollicking good time for the whole family! May God forgive Roxxon, for I never shall! Make Mine Roxxon!"

Chad Hammer's time is coming soon

Thor is in a tough position, having to stop Dario Agger while the villain tries to sour how the public views the founding Avenger. Taking over Marvel Comics and buying the comic book rights to Thor's adventures is one of the most unique and ambitious plans to stop the God of Thunder yet. Replacing him with Roxxin' Thor and Chad Hammer may be what it takes to do irreparable damage to his reputation.

Will Agger ruin Thor's image before the hero can figure out how to fight back? However it turns out, the god's upcoming battle won't be easy. Check out the preview for "Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1, with Nick Bradshaw's variant art showcasing the battle between the real heroes and their Roxxon comic counterparts.

"Meanwhile in the OFFICIAL Thor title presented by Roxxon, meet the Roxxin' Thor! In his secret identity as A.I. spokesguru Chad Hammer, the son of Odin knows Mama Gaea is a TOP PRIORITY for heroes AND for business! But when a group of insane environmental activists take "saving the Earth" TOO FAR, it's time to show them the wisdom on both sides – as Thor! But which God of Evil is prompting the kids to rebel? Could it be...LOKI, GOD OF EVIL??? Featuring an all-star cast of heroes! MINOTAUR! EXECUTIONER! ENCHANTRESS! And the THOR-TRUCK! This is the story of THE ROXXIN' THOR... and it's a VITAL part of the "ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTION" MEGA-EVENT!"

The wild new Thor story is told in "Roxxon Presents: Thor" #1, which arrives in comic book stores and online retailers on April 18, 2024.