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AI Reimagines Stormtrooper Costumes In Different Countries - The Results Are Awesome

Branding must be important to the Galactic Empire because stormtrooper armor pretty much comes in one size and one style. Sure, there are shadow, death, dark, and purge troopers, but they're not all that common outside of books, video games, and animation. Gone are the days when stormtroopers were all clones and it made sense for them to look exactly the same. Recruitment isn't that picky anymore — now anyone can don the armor and poorly use a blaster.


Asking AI to Draw Countries as Stormtroopers! #ai #aiart #midjourney #starwars #stormtrooper #country #countries

♬ Star Wars Main Theme – Image Space Orchestra

Digital artists PlanetAI, the same two friends who used AI to reimagine Iron Man's costume in different countries, posted a video to TikTok in late 2023 that finally broke the stormtroopers' fashion curse. Each variant is themed around a different country, and while it's unclear whether or not Earth even exists in the "Star Wars" franchise, these designs are too good to ignore. Get ready, Comic-Con. Here are some new ideas.

Welcome to the stormtrooper fashion show

PlanetAI's stormtrooper armors based on Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Greece, and the Netherlands all stick with the tried-and-true profile but shift the familiar colors to better match their respective countries, with the new shades offering promising lore potential. The Belgian, Brazilian, Dutch, and Greek stormtroopers have clearly seen battle, while the German stormtrooper is just as clearly a high-ranking official. The dude probably blusters orders from behind a desk, and even if he sometimes gets his hands dirty, he's definitely a bootlicker.

Meanwhile, the Bulgarian, Chinese, Indian, Iranian, Mexican, Portuguese, and South African stormtroopers offer more than just a simple paint job. These designs boast intricate patterns that suggest a more formal usage than warfare. Maybe the Indian stormtrooper armor, a purple and gold masterpiece, is only brought out of the closet for medal ceremonies. Maybe the Portuguese stormtrooper, a slim blue and gold creation, is part of some royal guard. One thing is clear, though: The soldiers in these suits are no schmucks.

The most imaginative armors PlanetAI posted are those based on Egypt, Japan, Panama, and Sweden. It's hard to explain, but the soldier from Sweden looks like the kind of stormtrooper who would get his own Disney+ show, while the Egyptian stormtrooper is unquestionably a Sith Lord. Were it not for the Panamanian stormtrooper, he would also be the coolest variant of the bunch, but even Siths bow to the natural power of a green thumb.