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AI Reimagines Superman's Costume In Different Countries - The Results Are Incredible

The Man of Steel isn't known for his wardrobe variety. Whether he's live-action or animated, in the pages of a comic book or the code of a video game, Superman has a singular look: blue tights, red accessories, and a giant "S" emblazoned on his chest.

Unlike Batman, whose Batsuit has had many iterations over the decades, the Last Son of Krypton's aesthetic only changes when he's feeling a bit surly. Outside of that, audiences tend to gripe when small details like Superman's iconic red briefs get swapped out for something less akin to Captain Underpants. So it's always refreshing when someone comes along to shake up the formula.


Superman from different countries #ai #aiartwork #superman

♬ original sound – OnePieceAI – OnePieceAI

OnePieceAI used artificial intelligence to reimagine Superman's costumes in different countries, displaying what Kal-El would look like had he been thought up in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Portugal, or Sweden. There's a lot to unpack here.

Superman's international costume variants fall into two broad categories

The first category is "Are We Sure These Are Different Costumes?" These outfits look exactly like the Man of Steel's regular attire with the colors swapped out. They're not intrinsically uncreative; they're just similar to the original. Australia, China, Italy, Nigeria, and Portugal fall into this category. Canadian Superman fits the bill too, but he gets a special mention for accidentally looking exactly like Omni-Man.

The second category is "What If Superman Wore Armor, Though?" These are the outfits that see the Last Son of Krypton made battle-ready. Now, does Supes need armor? No, he's functionally invincible. But armor is cool, so enough said. This category includes Brazil, Egypt, India, Japan, Mexico, and Sweden — the last of which deserves a shout-out for transforming Superman into a shinier Robocop.

The two outliers are Ireland and Greece. While Irish Superman is just Green Lantern pretending to be Superman (you're not slick, GL), Greek Superman is a category all on his own. He's wearing a fitted white robe with a white cape and a simple bronze "S." Unsurprisingly, he kind of looks like a Greek god, which the DC universe is already packed with ... Wonder Woman probably wouldn't like that all too much. Or maybe she would? Who knows, fashion is a fickle friend.