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Why James Mangold Is Directing The DCU Swamp Thing Movie Instead Of Guillermo Del Toro

As co-captain of the DC Universe's future in film and television, James Gunn has a lot to answer for over the next year or so. One recent query from fans is why "Swamp Thing" will be directed by James Mangold and not Guillermo del Toro, who wrestled with the Weed a few years back. Deeming "Swamp Thing" as "one of the last Holy Grail projects" (via the Los Angeles Times), the director even included him in his roster for the "Justice League Dark" movie that was eventually canned, joining the long list of other Guillermo Del Toro movies we'll never get to see

Well, after being called out for his decision on who's directing the upcoming film, Gunn revealed that it all came down to Mangold simply getting his attention about wanting to helm "Swamp Thing." Over on Threads, which now seems like his regular spot for responding to fans, Gunn said, "Well, for starters, James [Mangold] actually expressed his interest to me (Guillermo, who I know and love, did not)." 

While it's a shame that del Toro never got to head down to the swamp, his current schedule suggests he might have monsters of his own to tackle with "Frankenstein," a long-developing passion project that's finally coming to life. But even with this bittersweet "what if...?" that never came to be, Gunn added some reassuring comments about the future of the DC Universe that back up his decision.

James Gunn promises a DCU filled with different directors' voices

Among the truckload of questions being thrown at James Gunn regarding the mammoth franchise he's dared to take on, one fan enquired if it was a challenge building this universe and keeping the creative freedom for writers and directors intact. The former "Guardians of the Galaxy" director has already revealed that the tone of his DC Universe reboot will shift, but it sounds like a task he's been happy to collaborate in. Responding to the question on Threads, Gunn said, "No, it's been a blast, and artists have had a good time being in on the ground floor of this, helping us to build a universe that still retains the voices of the individual filmmakers."

So far, James Mangold and Andy Muschietti are the only confirmed directors in the DCU. Following his effort with "The Flash," Muschietti will take on another iteration of Batman, along with the Caped Crusader's son and current Robin, Damien Wayne, in "The Brave and the Bold." For Mangold, landing "Swamp Thing" is certainly an impressive feat, since he's also involved with another massive franchise in "Star Wars," writing and directing a film that will explore the first-ever Jedi. Here's hoping that both DC's famous flora and early Force users get the same great treatment.