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Marvel Director Pitched A Huge Star Wars Crossover: 'It's Absolutely Doable'

Now that the Marvel and Star Wars universes fall under the Disney umbrella, it's not outside the realm of possibility that we could see a crossover between the two blockbuster franchises. In fact, one Marvel creative has already pitched the idea, though it was shot down by Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige.

While speaking to Moovy TV, "What If?..." director and producer Bryan Andrews revealed that he approached Feige with the idea for a crossover episode based on a script penned by series writer Matthew Chauncey. While Andrews says he felt the merging of the franchises was "absolutely doable," Feige rejected the idea because he didn't want the properties encroaching on each other. "I just don't know if [Feige] wants to cross those streams," he said.

Andrews didn't offer any details on what the proposed storyline entailed besides saying it was "just a love letter to old-school Star Wars. And it was great." But while he said he's unsure if such a project will ever see the light of day, Andrews still made sure to sneak in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to George Lucas' galaxy far, far away.

Andrews set up his Star Wars crossover with an Easter egg you likely missed

In "What If...?" Season 1, Episode 2 – "What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?," we briefly see T'Challa running through a hangar filled with various spaceships. In this sequence, the creators hid a TIE Fighter amongst the other vehicles. However, it's hard to find. "It's maybe motion-blurred, but there is a TIE Fighter in there," Bryan Andrews said. "I don't know if you'll ever see it, but technically it's been painted. It's in there. So that's one we were able to get in." He mentioned he tried including even more Easter eggs, but Disney found and removed them during production. The TIE Fighter, however, was able to slip through.

Despite the potential storylines an MCU-Star Wars crossover could offer, it doesn't look like we'll see Nick Fury meet Mace Windu anytime soon. Still, the fact that even the Marvel creative team has pushed for the idea shows that it's been at least internally discussed. And if the stars align one day for an epic crossover event, Andrews will already have established a connection between the franchises without anyone even noticing.