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The Real Reason Dick York Left Bewitched

When it comes to long-running television series or film franchises, sometimes actors have to drop out for whatever reason. A character may simply get written out of the next installment, or, as tends to happen particularly with sitcoms, characters get recast. It'd be hard to write a pivotal figure like a parent or a spouse out of an ongoing series, but that's precisely what transpired with "Bewitched."

Dick York first played Darrin Stephens on "Bewitched," the mortal husband of the magical Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery). He played the part for the first five seasons, but in Season 6, Darrin was played by Dick Sargent. So why did Dick York leave "Bewitched?" The truth of the matter is that York suffered from chronic back pain due to an injury he sustained before he even joined the "Bewitched" cast. Tragically, while filming "Bewitched' in 1969, York collapsed on set and had to go to the hospital. William Asher, a producer on the sitcom, visited him there, and it was determined York couldn't continue with the show.

Sargent played Darrin for the remaining three seasons. But "Bewitched" would be York's final substantial role. After leaving the show, he didn't act again on a TV production for 14 years. He only had a handful more roles until his passing in 1992.

Dick York's injury impacted the time he did have on Bewitched

Dick York's injury occurred in 1959, with "Bewitched" airing its first episode in 1964. And while York persevered for many years, a lot had to be done to keep him going. In a 1989 interview with People, York spoke about needing extra help to film his scenes, "I had a board in my trailer where I would flatten out. And on the set, the crew would help me. They would plant someone on the other side of a door in case it was too heavy for me to open by myself."

There are also quite a few "Bewitched" episodes from the York era where Darrin is missing, usually written off as being on a business trip or something. According to the book "Bewitched Forever" by Herbie J. Pilato, York missed some of the filming due to his father's death. The other episodes he's missing result from his health issues. 

Dick Sargent replaced York, and the remainder of York's life was a far cry from the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. At one point, his family had to go on welfare, but between his wife and their children, York had plenty of love to go around. York's son, Matthew, said the following quote published by People, "Our poorest time financially was our richest in love."