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Who Is The Skar King: Everything We Know About Godzilla X Kong's New Villain

The last we saw of Godzilla and Kong, gigantic game recognized game as they both stood over the fried circuits of Mechagodzilla at the end of "Godzilla vs. Kong." Now, the two are finally fighting side by side in "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire." As nice as it is to see former enemies becoming a Titan-sized tag team, what kind of foe is tough enough to lead the King of the Monsters and the King of Skull Island to join forces? His name is the Skar King, and he's looking to be a royal pain.

Seen in mere seconds of the trailer for "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire," the Skar King appears to be an oversized orangutan and the monstrous manifestation of what King Louie from "The Jungle Book" would be like with an attitude problem, stomping around both above the Earth and below it. But what makes him a problem for our heroic pair? Well, there might already be evidence to suggest he's fought to get where he is, and the perks that come with it include having control over his very own Titan.

Does the Skar King's position come with a terrifying trophy?

The film's title reveal video establishes that the Skar King, shown sitting on a stone throne with two familiar-shaped skulls in the foreground, is the leader of the pack. While it's unlikely that either Godzilla or Kong will be added to his collection of bones, a split-second shot of him in the trailer shows that he may actually be wearing his last rival.

The Skar King can be seen with what looks like the spine of a dead animal wrapped around him like a bandolier, a grim accessory that could possibly be either the former leader of the group he's taken over or the last competition who thought they could take the title. Could Kong be a new contender? If so, Skull Island's protector might have his work cut out for him.

The fact that the Skar King has chosen to wear this trophy as a fancy accessory suggests that he may possess greater intelligence than our hairy hero (studies have shown that orangutans are smarter than gorillas, after all). It's that advantage that might've put him on the throne in the first place along with an extra bit of backup the Skar King might have at his disposal.

The Skar King might have his own pet Titan, Shimu, to join the battle

There's every chance that Kong could take over the Skar King's spot if he engages him one-on-one. Unfortunately, another massive monster known as Shimu, a reptile that walks on all fours and is rumored to be controlled by the Skar King, is slated to make an appearance. Having that kind of firepower at his disposal explains why the Skar King is the ruler of his group. More importantly, it also explains why Monarch resorts to waking Godzilla back up again, given the recent development in kaiju confrontations.

While Kong is throwing hands with the Skar King, Godzilla could just as well be fighting his own battle with Shimu. Chances are it won't be a walk in the park for the King of the Monsters, though, which might also explain why the big G has been given a pink tint and a potentially even more powerful upgrade to take on his new opponent. As for Kong? Well, it's hard not to ignore the 100XL Infinity Gauntlet he seems to be wearing to take on his competition. The question is, why does he need it in the first place?

Is the Skar King superpowered?

It sure must get tough being one of the only Titans out there without an extra ability or two, a predicament Kong faces when he takes on the King of the Monsters in "Godzilla vs. Kong," having to use a homemade ax to even the odds. Now it looks like he'll have to don a new accessory to take on his next foe given the flicker of something extra that the Skar King seems to have tucked away just out of view.

A close-up of the enemy's eyes reveals a strong splash of electric blue, not too dissimilar from the neon shade Godzilla is seen rocking in "Godzilla vs. Kong." Add to this that the grim spine he wears might also be used as a weapon and the Skar King might have an arsenal that Kong just isn't ready for. It's good, then, that our true king of the oversized primates is wielding a Transformer-sized glove to turn the tide.

Sure, it might give Marvel fans a major case of déjà vu given that it even has the same color scheme as a certain Infinity Gauntlet, but who cares? We'll see King Kong punch an oversized orangutan in the face while Godzilla probably shoots pink fire at him, and that's true cinema. April 12, 2024, really can't come soon enough.