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Deadpool 3 Set Photos Reveal Unexpected Captain America & Moon Knight Crossovers

If the cavalcade of leaks and rumors surrounding "Deadpool 3" is any indication, it's shaping up to be the Merc with a Mouth's wildest cinematic outing yet. Leaked images from the film's shoot have revealed everything from a closer look at the new comic book-inspired suit for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine to a certain returning baddie from the X-Men movies. Now, a new helping of set photos has seemingly revealed some surprising crossovers between "Deadpool 3" and other Marvel Cinematic Universe properties — namely, Captain America and Moon Knight. However, these may not be what fans are expecting.

On X, formerly known as Twitter, established industry insider @CanWeGetToast shared shots from the "Deadpool 3" set, some of which include vehicles MCU fans might find familiar. One appears to be the same cupcake van Oscar Isaac's Steven Grant uses to escape his pursuers in "Moon Knight" Episode 1. Another bears a striking resemblance to Red Skull's car from "Captain America: The First Avenger." It remains to be seen how they factor into the "Deadpool" threequel.

Deadpool may be getting up to some meta shenanigans

While having vehicles from "Moon Knight" and "Captain America: The First Avenger" likely isn't on many fans' "Deadpool 3" bingo sheets, the incorporation of these props might not be all that surprising. Since the new movie is an MCU installment, it makes sense that some elements would crossover, even if they aren't the most expected. The ending of "Deadpool 2" sees the titular anti-hero time-traveling, so it stands to reason he could take a stroll through MCU history with relative ease.

What's more, it seems like "Deadpool 3" will get more meta with its references than ever. An earlier behind-the-scenes shot of "Deadpool 3" features the cast and crew next to a giant, ruined version of the 20th Century Fox logo — likely a tongue-in-cheek reference to Disney's acquisition of Fox and the upcoming X-Men franchise reboot. Between those leaks and rumblings that "Deadpool 3" might revisit other legacy properties and characters like Jennifer Garner's Elektra, having some old MCU cars show up might be one of the movie's less weird elements.