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Where The Marvels Finds Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury After Secret Invasion

"Secret Invasion" didn't end things on a positive note, with the finale making Skrulls public enemy number one in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And the Disney+ series wasn't all that great for Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), who lost Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) and Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) in the process. So, when the superspy returns in "The Marvels," he'll be dealing with his problems in the most Nick Fury way possible.

"He's very weary after the events of 'Secret Invasion,'" director Nia DaCosta told GamesRadar+ regarding the version of Fury we'll see in "The Marvels." "It's a lot, and as we've seen throughout the MCU, he's sort of obsessed with protecting the entire world. It's like, 'How can I do that?' In 'Winter Soldier,' you see him doing some ill-advised things as he tries to be on top of everything. Now he's in space literally watching over the entire planet, so I think ['The Marvels' is] just a continuation of that."

Fury's been through a lot since his last big-screen appearance, so it's only natural those experiences would factor into "The Marvels." And what way is more fitting than for Fury's new MCU job to take his world-protecting agenda to literal new heights, watching over Earth from space? However, it isn't all doom and gloom for the former head of SHIELD.

The Marvels displays Fury's softer side

Although Nia DaCosta stated we'll see a "weary" Nick Fury in the upcoming movie, the sequel will also show a different side of the character, a departure from his usual serious nature.

"Secret Invasion" put Fury through the wringer. However, DaCosta reassured fans he still hasn't lost his sense of humor. For "The Marvels," the director leaned into the character's light-hearted relationship with Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), but with two more heroes joining the family. "Something I really like about Fury is that he kind of shifts depending on who he's with, and I think with these women, he's a much softer Fury," DaCosta told GamesRadar+. She joked that while Fury has become "everyone's dad" in the MCU, "The Marvels" gives him two new daughters to look after: Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Paris) and Kamala Khan (Iman Velani).

Unsurprisingly, Samuel L. Jackson is a fan of the direction his latest MCU outings have taken his character. "It just means that I get to release the facade of being an impenetrable, unfeeling, uncaring person, and I can let myself go," the actor told the Associated Press regarding the different kind of Fury we saw in "Secret Invasion." And with DaCosta's words in mind, it looks like his character development will only continue with "The Marvels."