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One Piece Fan Edits In A Body Part Netflix Removed & The Results Are Disastrous

Understandably, some creative liberties were required for the live-action "One Piece," leading to some differences between Netflix's series and the manga. Most notably, Usopp (Jacob Romero) is missing the long nose that's a staple of the character in the anime and manga. However, a fan took it upon themselves to show what the Straw Hats' sniper could have looked like, and the results are horrifying, to say the least.

Posted to Reddit by u/LoveMinaMyoi, fans can see "Long Nose Usopp" in all his disastrous glory. The user recorded a few scenes from "One Piece," using a filter to give Usopp an iconic long nose resembling his anima and manga counterparts, proving that while maintaining accuracy to the source material is important, the live-action adaptation made the right decision to leave some things in the pages of the "One Piece" manga. "Apologies to Jacob, but this is what Usopp would've looked like if it was too accurate," they wrote, admitting that even they aren't a fan of their monstrous creation.

Unsurprisingly, "One Piece" fans seem to have unanimously agreed that a live-action long-nose Usopp would be a mistake after seeing the video, accepting that it's okay for the Netflix series not to be an exact 1:1 adaptation and making his nose another fan-approved change to Usopp in the adaptation.

Usopp was never going to have his long nose

Although the Netflix series undoubtedly left some "One Piece" fans disappointed that Usopp's iconic long nose didn't make it into the live-action adaptation, the fan-posted video proves the creative team made the right decision. As it turns out, the production team knew almost from the beginning that Jacob Romero wouldn't be wearing an exaggerated prosthetic nose, as they wanted to keep the live-action series as close to life-like as possible.

"Early on, we had discussions about these things with [executive producers and showrunners] Matt [Owens] and Steve [Maeda]," Jaco Snyman, Prosthetics Head of Department and Creature Designer on "One Piece," told TV Guide regarding Usopp's nose. "And since we are changing the medium of the story, we're trying to make it more real. You don't see a guy with a long pencil nose every day. And something like that would be too distracting for the actor to deal with. So we decided just to keep the actor normal."

Snyman recognizes that Usopp's nose is a key feature in the "One Piece" manga and anime, with characters constantly hurling jokes toward the sniper's distinct facial feature. However, they don't believe removing it tarnishes Usopp in any way, saying that Romero's performance still echoes what fans love the most about the "One Piece" character while keeping the live-action adaptation as real as possible.