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DC's New Flash Characters Change Everything We Know About The Speed Force

Contains spoilers for "The Flash" #2 by Si Spurrier, Mike Deodato Jr., Trish Mulvihill, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.

The Flash's newest storyline is sending him into direct conflict with mysterious new alien beings called The Stillness who are set to make significant revelations about the Speed Force.

Wally West's latest ongoing series launched in September with the Scarlet Speedster dealing with nightmares and anomalies connected to the Speed Force. While investigating the arrival of Gorilla Grodd, fending off an army of the supervillain's henchmen, and jumping universes as the Speed Force malfunctions, Wally — noted for being the fastest Flash – encounters a fellow speedster named Indigo Streak. However, when the conflict with Grodd ends, the infamously unpredictable Speed Force has evidently totally gone on the fritz. Sadly, shortly after Indigo Streak reveals his real name is Chad, he is seemingly absorbed by cosmic forces and physically shifted into something much darker. The Flash can only look on as Indigo Streak twists into a blob of cartilage and viscera, then reforms as a spiky monster. 

Now, DC Comics is adding more alien-like creatures to the mix with The Stillness, hinting at how they are connected to the Speed Force, and setting up the next adventures that await The Flash. 

More answers lay beyond the Speed Force

In a first look at "The Flash" #2, Wally West is in a very unusual situation. He breaks through some sort of cosmic door and finds himself surrounded by alien creatures known as The Stillness. In a press release, writer Si Spurrier referred to the new characters as "explorers of a sort." He said the entities have a "mischievous" relationship with time and space, saying they will stretch the understanding of what it is to be a sentient being in the universe. Spurrier added they exist on multiple planes of reality. When it comes to the Speed Force, Spurrier said they know much more than any other living creature, including The Flash.

"Their understanding of what we know as 'The Speed Force' far exceeds that of any existing Flash or earthbound scientist, hence their enigmatic (and dire) assessment of Wally West's abilities. And yet, more worrying still is that for all their immeasurable power, their main goal is to attract the attention of an even higher form of life."

Spurrier said The Stillness will take note of Wally West's abilities and assess what is going wrong with the Speed Force and The Flash's connection to it. The preview shows The Stillness surrounding Wally while seemingly acting like a cosmic clean-up crew in the wake of the mess caused by Indigo Streak and Grodd. Spurrier mentioned The Stillness exist above and beyond concepts of good and evil. So, the fact that they are interested in Wally is notable — the cosmic beings appear impressed that a human has such incredible powers.

The Stillness are coming soon to The Flash

Spurrier teased a mysterious adventure ahead for Wally West, sharing that what The Stillness chooses to do about him will "be even wilder" than anyone can imagine. While what actually awaits The Flash is unclear, the inclusion of new cosmic entities who know more about the Speed Force than Wally indicates an interesting curveball in the hero's life. Wally may finally get answers to what's causing the problems with the Speed Force.

Check out the cover for "The Flash" #2 featuring The Flash surrounded by The Stillness, and the accompanying text preview.

As Wally West faces massively powered-up old foes as well as a new, mysterious being, he encounters a group of alien explorers who are very interested in Wally's powers (which continue to glitch). Also, something seems to be literally bubbling up in Keystone City, as the new era for the Scarlet Speedster continues!

The Stillness officially debuts in "The Flash" #2, which arrives in comic book stores and online retailers on October 24. 2023.