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Thunderbolts Rumors Tease The MCU Debut & Costume Of Marvel Superman: The Sentry

Sometime between Kang building a dynasty and the Avengers having a secret war, the Thunderbolts are set to descend on the MCU in their own movie and cause some trouble in all the right ways. However, rumors indicate that one of their members may end up doing more harm than good for the ragtag team devised by Thunderbolt Ross (Harrison Ford), and he'll be doing so while wielding a very classic look.

The cause for concern is directed at Oscar-nominated star Steven Yeun, who, while not confirmed by Marvel directly, has been linked to the role of The Sentry for some time. The "Nope" star climbed aboard the project in February, and shortly after, the mention of Marvel's Superman-like hero quickly followed. According to serial scooper Can We Get Toast on X, formerly known as Twitter, Yeun's Sentry is set to be part of the team for the first two acts until "something rips away from them." It's here where the film will most likely lean into the darker part of The Sentry's origin, leading the Thunderbolts to pick up the pieces.

Might The Sentry become the big bad for the Thunderbolts?

Debuting in 2000 in the comics, The Sentry is Robert Reynolds, a middle-aged writer with schizophrenia and agoraphobia, who one day remembers his alter-ego, a respected hero among Earth's Mightiest. That is until the darker parts of his past begin to surface, revealing his true origins. It turns out that Reynolds intentionally erased himself from the world's memory to subdue his alter ego, a menacing and powerful entity known as The Void. With this tale of twists in mind, it would make sense that The Sentry would go from friend to foe for the Thunderbolts before the credits roll.

Responding to a fan's question about Steven Yeun's potential look in the film, Can We Get Toast assured that The Sentry's look will be "comic accurate to a T," but it's a matter of an "S" that might be worth highlighting. Given that "The Eternals" confirms DC Comics exists in this universe, are there likely to be jokes thrown in Reynolds' direction, given that he bears a giant S on his costume, much like Superman, who shares a host of similar abilities? For now, it all depends if Yeun's secret "Thunderbolts" role really is The Sentry. Hopefully, we'll find out more as the movie approaches its theatrical release date.