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Star Wars Is Finally Changing Its Filthiest Name - And We Don't Mean Glup Shitto

A hilarious piece of "Star Wars" history has received a significant change to make its name sound less inappropriate. And unlike Glubb Shitto, it's very real. Yes, Disney is changing the name of the type of music played by the Cantina band in Mos Eisley from "jizz" to "jatz." 

The jazz-inspired music in the "Star Wars" universe first appeared in "Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope," when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi traveled to Tatooine and met and hired Han Solo inside a seedy cantina. It's there viewers first saw a group of aliens, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, performing music while shady activities occurred in the popular drinking spot. It wouldn't be until the 1995' "Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina" that the type of music played at the Cantina would get an official name: jizz. The name would inspire plenty of jokes about it being a double entendre for something much filthier. But, in a new novel, Disney is seemingly retconning jizz out of existence in the Star Wars Universe and calling it Jatz instead.

Star Wars is referring to music as Jatz now

As noted by The AV Club, the new collection of "Star Wars" short stories, "From A Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi," features a tale from Phil Szostak, exploring alien musician Max Rebo's story in more depth and detailing how he ended up in the cantina on Tattooine. When the story talks about the type of music Rebo plays, it calls a song not like "one of any number of jatz standards he knew by heart." Instead of calling the music "jizz" as other "Star Wars" stories have referred to the unique musical style, the new story gives it a name change that doesn't make it sound R-Rated.

Interestingly, jatz also has a place in "Star Wars" history. In the "Star Wars Adventures Journal" magazine published in the early 1990s, a genre of music called jatz is named as popular music for the Galactic Republic. Jatz was also most recently referenced in the novel "Inquisitor: Rise Of The Red Blade. Given Disney's efforts to make content for all ages, changing the name from jizz to jatz makes a lot of sense, especially if they ever plan on exploring the music's performers further in upcoming live-action adaptations.

Jizz is one of many questionable Star Wars names

Part of what makes "Star Wars" great is the franchise featuring some ridiculous names for characters. They include Darth Maul's Force Sensitive brother, Savage Oppress, a sleazy death-stick merchant from "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones," named Elan Sleazebaggano, an alien from Canto Bright in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" named Slowen-Lo (voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and of course, Jabba the Hutt's house band member, Droopy McCool. Some of the names are just straight-up hilarious, such as the X-Wing pilot Jek Porkins from "Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope" and the unforgettable Salacious B. Crumb named after legendary comic book creator Robert Crumb.

However, none of those names reach quite the same not-safe-for-work levels that "jizz" had in the "Star Wars" universe. Given its gross other meaning, it's completely understandable why Disney is trying to change its name. It's unlikely "jizz" will appear in future "Star Wars" media. So, for those who got a chuckle by the name, they'll have to get used to "jatz" instead.