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New Captain Marvel Poster Shows Off Carol Danvers' Classic Comic Suit

She's soaring through the skies in style. 

Marvel Studios dropped a new Captain Marvel poster at Brazil Comic Con (also referred to as Comic Con Experience Brazil) on Saturday, treating those eager to see the Brie Larson-led superhero standalone to a fresh, somewhat funky, ultra-cool poster that spotlights Carol Danvers' classic suit from the comics. 

Uploaded to the Marvel Entertainment Twitter account, the one-sheet is fully illustrated, with the golden Captain Marvel insignia slicing the background into one-third red and two-thirds blue. Standing front and center in the Captain Marvel poster is, of course, the titular superhero, who is posing in her gold, red, and blue costume as most prominently featured in her Marvel source material. With her feet shoulder-width apart, her hands clenched into fists, her eyebrows slightly furrowed in determination, and her mouth slightly curled up into a smirk, Captain Marvel looks capital-A awesome in this exclusive poster. 

"To all the fans who came to the Marvel Panel at Brazil Comic Con today, enjoy this exclusive poster!!!! I'll get you a drawing of Goose next time #CapitãMarvel," Larson herself wrote in the poster reveal tweet, referencing the fuzzy cat called Goose seen in the latest Captain Marvel trailer. 

With each new look at Captain Marvel Marvel has gifted us — from the initial trailer and accompanying poster to the second round of footage and the electric poster unveiled ahead of its release — we've only grown more confident that the film will live up to the hype surrounding it. 

According Marvel Studios head honcho Feige, once Captain Marvel enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she'll become "by far the strongest character" the film series has ever seen. "All of the Marvel characters have flaws to them [and] all of them have a deep humanity to them. With Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character as we've ever put in a movie. Her powers are off the charts," he told Vulture back in 2016. "It's important, then, to counterbalance that with someone who feels real. She needs to have a humanity to tap into, and Brie [Larson] can do that."

Larson's Captain Marvel co-stars agree with Feige, having previously praised the actress for her ability to bring a sense of vulnerability to the hyper-powerful hero. Ben Mendelsohn, who plays the shape-shifting Skrull leader Talos in the '90s-set flick, gushed about Larson earlier this year: "Brie is absolutely perfect for that role ... she's a strong, yet sensitive, contemporary female. She is a champion, she's a fantastic actress and she's a great human. You can't ask for better for Captain Marvel." 

And it wasn't long after Mendelsohn's lovely remarks that Clark Gregg, who gets digitally de-aged in Captain Marvel to reprise his role as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson, applauded Larson as an "amazing person" and "amazing actor" who is "killing this role." 

Marvel bigwigs have promised that Larson will crush it as Captain Marvel, trailers have shown that Larson can talk the Captain Marvel talk, and this new poster further proves that she can walk the walk — and look fantastic doing it. Sadly, though, we'll have to wait until March 8, 2019 to see the actress in full Carol Danvers form. Something tells us the wait will be well worth it.