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Superman Star David Corenswet Is Already Looking Jacked For DC Universe Debut

DC Studios' new live-action Superman actor David Corenswet is spending his time before production on "Superman: Legacy" begins productively. In a Facebook post shared by the Jon Schueler Foundation, Corenswet — whose talents extend to cinematography — appears noticeably stronger. The "Politician" star is presumably clocking extensive gym hours so he can achieve Clark Kent's stereotypically muscular physique.

The current release date for "Legacy" is July 11, 2025, but that may be subject to change, depending on how long the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes carry on. If the studios continue their hard stance against the artists' demands for better pay and treatment, then the DC film intended to ring in the new DCU could be delayed. Should that be the case, and should Corenswet continue to train until production finally breaks ground, then his ultimate transformation could prove even more impressive.

A grueling exercise regimen is not uncommon for celebrities who don Superman's blue and red tights. Henry Cavill, the now-defunct DCEU's Superman, provided exhaustive detail in regard to both his training and diet programs. The "Witcher" star admitted to working out for nearly three hours a day, five days a week. In addition, he claimed to consume approximately 5,000 calories per day to fuel that process.

But Cavill's blueprint might be different than Corenswet's and, as previously mentioned, it could be a long while before the latest Superman is even needed onset. So, for Corenswet's sake, let's hope that he takes it a little bit easier than all that.

Superman doesn't need to be jacked (but Clark Kent does)

The funny thing is that Superman doesn't even really need to be jacked. No, his super strength doesn't come from muscle mass, it comes from the radiation of Earth's yellow sun combined with his Kryptonian DNA. And while it's true that every single comic book hero drawn during a certain time period looks like a sentient Dorito because Hollywood's beauty standard for men is ... bad, the only legitimate reason for Supes to be built like a truck is because Clark Kent grew up on a farm. You don't throw hay bales and eat home-cooked meals every day and stay skinny, you know?

Of course, that kind of logic runs into a problem — Clark would need to have gone through a period where physical exertion was difficult. Muscle mass isn't accrued without challenge and the last son of Krypton started operating like some supersized solar battery the second he entered Earth's atmosphere. But most depictions of Clark, like the CW's "Smallville" and Max's "My Adventures With Superman," show his powers developing around his later teen years, which means that any activity during his prepubescent years would have had the chance to affect him physically.

All that is to say that if you admire Superman's Mr. Universe shtick, don't thank Krypton — thank Ma and Pa Kent.