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Spider-Man Star Emma Stone Suits Up As Batwoman In DCU Concept Design

Emma Stone is no stranger to superhero movies, having starred in "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" in the role of Spider-Man's doomed love Gwen Stacy alongside Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. She also stars in the arthouse superhero riff "Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)," which probably doesn't really count as a superhero movie but can be noted here anyway. But she herself has never played a superhero, a situation that a fan artist on Instagram has sought to correct.

As you can see, the fan account @horrific.heroics specializes in digital renderings of Hollywood stars in various superhero and horror-character roles. The artist, who also goes by the name Aaron, describes himself as an "aspiring concept artist," and one of his more inspired creations is an image of Stone in the role of Batwoman.

You can check out the image of Emma Stone as Batwoman below, and use your imagination to picture how Stone might handle such a role on screen.

Stone makes a glamorous avenger of the night in the concept art

Fans of The CW's Arrowverse franchise know that the character of Kate Kane, better known to the criminal contingent of Gotham City as Batwoman, has made various appearances on TV, including in her own series. Ruby Rose originally played Kane in the "Elseworlds" crossover special and Season 1 of "Batwoman," after which she was replaced by Wallis Day. But the character has never been seen in a big-screen, live-action film, and the concept art above shows how Emma Stone would look in the character's costume.

Though the post has received only a few comments, they seem mostly positive about the idea of Stone as Batwoman. "She looks cooler than the CW Batwoman. except the cowl looks more Batgirl than Batwoman," said @dcanthonyantonellis101

And an account named @comicsandcoffee put it quite simply: "This is awesome."

Whether or not Stone would actually be interested in donning Batwoman's cape and cowl is a matter of pure speculation, and there's currently no word on any theatrical Batwoman project in gestation. But that's all part of the fun of fan art like the above, which allows such fantasy casting in projects that might not happen at all.