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How Old Is Jack Black In NeverEnding Story 3 And Who Did He Play?

Jack Black has amassed some legendary roles over the course of his career, from rock teacher Dewey Finn in "School of Rock" to the fire-breathing Bowser in "The Super Mario Bros. Movie." As to be expected of a prolific actor, however, Black also has some less-than-savory credits scattered among his filmography — productions that have gained infamy for their low quality. One such dud in the movie star's backlog is none other than 1994's critically-panned "The NeverEnding Story 3: Escape from Fantasia."

The movie follows on from the first two entries of "The NeverEnding Story," picking up with a teenage Bastian (Jason James Richter) as he encounters the fantastical world of the Neverending Story once again. For his part, Black plays Slip, a mean, stereotypical high school bully and the leader of a group known as the Nasties. Slip and his group wreak havoc on both the realms of Earth and Fantasia, and generally just serve as a thorn in the side of the protagonists throughout the whole ordeal.

Slip in "The NeverEnding Story 3" was actually a relatively early credit in Black's career. He was only 25 years old at the time that played the high schooler antagonist. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the role doesn't bring him many warm pangs of nostalgia.

Jack Black doesn't have kind things to say about The NeverEnding Story 3

In the roughly 20 years that have passed since "The NeverEnding Story 3," Jack Black has rarely spoken about the film or his role as Slip. On the uncommon occasion that it does come up in conversation though, he's pretty down on the production. "That is the movie that never needs to be seen," Black said in an interview with Nerdist. He's also not too broken up about the how the movie is nearly impossible to watch in the modern day. "I don't think you can get it on DVD, video tape, or anything," he continued. "It's gone. It's been scrubbed from the universe."

If "The NeverEnding Story 3" does get a sequel someday, fans of the franchise probably shouldn't hold out hope for Black to make a return. When asked by Moviehole in 2003 if one of his upcoming roles at the time was in "The NeverEnding Story 4," he quashed the idea. "I guarantee you it's not that," he said, before sarcastically adding: "Unless Martin Scorsese's on the project. Have you heard anything about that?"

With Black's myriad successes as a performer over the past few decades, "The NeverEnding Story 3" has become little more than a small blip in his past and fodder for the occasional joke in an interview. All things considered, the actor is probably fine with ending the story there.