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The Worst Harry Potter Movie According To IMDb

Sometimes, bad things happen to good books, and we grapple with poorly-made adaptations. From "The Cat in the Hat" to "The Vampire's Assistant," there is no shortage of great books that were turned into awful movies. However, the "Harry Potter" series successfully revamped J.K. Rowling's popular novels into a multimillion-dollar movie franchise that continues to enchant viewers from all over the world. From 2001 to 2011 and beyond, fans flocked to midnight showings, bought the collection, and streamed the films time and time again. 

Even though "Harry Potter" is beloved, it doesn't mean all the movies are equally acclaimed. "The Deathly Hallows: Part 2" is the highest-rated, but others aren't so lucky. According to IMDB, "The Chamber of Secrets" is considered the worst film of the eight with 7.4/10. Though it's clear the film doesn't resonate with everyone, this rating is only from IMBD users. Because the second movie is highly significant in the series — it introduces Tom Riddle's diary as a Horcrux, which sets the popular finale into motion — it raises the question as to what Reddit users think about "The Chamber of Secrets."

Reddit fans like The Chamber of Secrets

Though IMBD users think "The Chamber of Secrets" is the worst film in the "Harry Potter" franchise, Reddit has seen many come to the second installment's defense. In a thread, u/IllustriousFoot1070 believes the low ranking is unfair and wonders if anyone else feels the same way. A majority of the comments supported "The Chamber of Secrets," and u/spk1311 argues that Gilderoy Lockhart's appearance is enough to make the film great. u/Phoenixorflame furthers this claim by saying Kenneth Branagh is perfectly cast in the role. 

U/Violet_Chrysanthemum offers a valid reason why some might see the movie as the weakest. "From a movie perspective, I would say CoS did not blow people away like the first one did. While I personally loved it, I think the similarities between film one and film two were so close that people didn't feel like it was the bigger, better sequel. I mean to many it probably seemed like it was another story of someone doing bad things only to once again turn out to be Voldemort, and it lacked the wonder of introducing the Wizarding World to Harry for the first time." Though this is the last whimsical piece before things take a darker turn, the film arguably falls short compared to "The Sorcerer's Stone." 

No matter which movie is considered the best or worst, we can agree they have all contributed to the Wizarding World we all know and love.