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What Species Is Ahsoka And Why Are They So Important To The Star Wars Universe?

Ahsoka Tano has come a long way as a character. Initially introduced as Anakin Skywalker's Padawan in "The Clone Wars," she's had numerous other appearances in the years since then, from comic books to "Star Wars Rebels." And now, played by Rosario Dawson, she has her own self-titled "Disney+" show after making cameos in "The Mandalorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett." But despite her prevalence in "Star Wars" lore, many fans may still wonder what alien race she's supposed to be.

They may not be as well known as Wookies and Hutts, but Ahsoka Tano is part of the Togruta. This humanoid species is known for colorful skin tones, head tails, and immense montrals. They come from the homeworld of Shili, and several prominent Togruta have been shown across "Star Wars" media, including Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Supreme Chancellor Kirames Kaj. Fans had a chance to see many Togruta together in Episode 1 of "Tales of the Jedi," which shows Ahsoka as an infant and how everyone in the village knew she had a connection to the Force at a young age. 

Togruta aren't common in the galaxy, especially when Disney+'s "Ahsoka" takes place. She even has a line in the 2016 novel, "Ahsoka," by E.K. Johnston, where she says, "There aren't so many Togruta at large in the galaxy that I fit into a crowd. It would be different if I were a Twi'lek, and it would be very different if I were a human, but I'm neither." They may be rare, but they played an important role in bringing down the Empire.

Many Togruta were rebel fighters

Togruta have had roles to play throughout the galaxy's history. During the Clone Wars, 50,000 Togruta inhabitants were enslaved by Zygerrian and forces from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano aided in efforts to locate the missing colonists, eventually freeing them from a Zygerrian slave processing facility. Unfortunately, upon Order 66 and the fall of the Galactic Republic, any Togruta Jedi, including Shaak Ti, were killed. 

But the Empire coming to power led to resistance groups, and Togruta were part of these. Many Togruta joined these rebellions, including Ahsoka, who was part of the Raada resistance and joined another movement led by Senator Bail Prestor Organa. Organa's movement eventually folded into other rebel networks, leading to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Many species joined this cause, including Togruta, who ultimately fought in the Galactic Civil War. In the era of the New Republic, Togruta served valiantly, and one Togruta named Auxi Kray Korbin worked as an advisor to Mon Mothma. 

Honestly, Togruta deserve a lot more recognition within the greater framework of "Star Wars." Shaak Ti had prominent placement within the animated "Clone Wars" series from Genndy Tartakovsky, which came out well before the one everyone knows. And even though Ahsoka Tano would become the most famous Togruta, Shaak Ti maintained a presence in Dave Filoni's "Clone Wars," being stationed on Kamino and looking into the rise of a Sith Lord before Order 66 came to light. By transcending any single story, the Togruta should be just as prevalent as Twi'leks at this point.