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Halo Bearers Are Absolutely Losing It On Twitter After Warrior Nun Is Resurrected

If you see a person with a wide grin fixed on their face today, there's a decent chance that you've encountered a Halo Bearer in the wild. These "Warrior Nun" fans have just received the best news since the December 2022 cancellation of the show, as "Warrior Nun" is back from the grave with a freshly announced continuation, in whatever form that might be.

The new season is obviously still a good while away from gracing the fandom's screens, but they've been so vocal in demanding a third season that they're understandably quite pleased with the way things have turned out. As a result, Twitter is full of "Warrior Nun" fans expressing their delight — and rest assured, they have happiness to spare. 

"WE DID IT HALO BEARERS. WE SAVED WARRIOR NUN," user @ttnneebn enthused about the fandom's job well done in all caps. Elsewhere, fan @czrna_xo was so happy about the renewal news that it actually inspired them to chase their dreams. "I'm going to apply to the film/tv production program I've been eyeing for months because we #SavedWarriorNun," they wrote. 

Fans are celebrating their successful campaign to revive the show

While the hashtag #SaveWarriorNun was the Halo Bearers' chosen call to arms before this, "Warrior Nun" creator Simon Barry introduced a much happier one in his Twitter announcement about the show's renewal. The apt new #WarriorNunSaved hashtag has been gaining traction, with fans from all across the internet gathering under it to celebrate — and drop appropriate quotes from the show, like @anfd95. "'Sometimes you need to lose a battle to win a war.' And we did it! It was a pleasure to fight alongside you. Officially #WarriorNunSaved," they wrote, throwing in a philosophical line from the first season's Episode 7 for good measure. 

Others, like @ufcfan4life2, waxed poetic about the show's revival. "WE DID IT!!! Each and everyone one of us made this happen. YOU, yes YOU! You fought, you tweeted, and for 197 days your passion led the charge! Regardless if the details to come, we made history and changed our lives forever!!! BRAVO!!!" they tweeted.

"Warrior Nun" executive producer Dean English also took to Twitter with some congratulatory words for the fandom. "What matters is that YOU ALL DID IT!!! This success belongs to you – not Simon, myself,  or anyone else," he congratulated the Halo Bearers in a response to one fan.

With even the people behind the show fully admitting that the fandom was instrumental in "Warrior Nun's" resurrection, the Halo Bearers have every right to be happy about themselves. After all, it's not every day that your favorite show is saved because of your own efforts.