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Young Sheldon Features A Michael Cudlitz Cameo You May Have Missed

"Young Sheldon" features a welcome abundance of talented guest stars from comedians and tech billionaires to even returning cast members from "The Big Bang Theory." With so many dazzling stars to help shape the young genius' expanding mind, it's hard to keep track of all the inspiring individuals that visit the series. Nonetheless, these familiar faces stand out from Sheldon's unconventional childhood like Michael Cudlitz, who played a pivotal role in entertaining the boy genius during a mundane lecture. 

Before Sheldon makes the extraordinary leap to higher education, he finds himself understimulated in a basic math class with average students. This moment leads to a riveting daydream sequence where the intelligent pupil occupies himself with a harrowing adventure. His expansive imagination takes him to space to help NASA save a spiraling satellite in the nick of time. 

The scene is completely authentic and in line with Sheldon's sense of self-importance due to his superior intellect. He finds himself momentarily bored so he transcends his reality by thinking up a more interesting situation briefly featuring Cudlitz as a NASA director in desperate need of some assistance. Luckily, Sheldon knows the right move to avert total disaster, even when his enthralling incident is soon interrupted by his frustrated teacher. 

Michael Cudlitz played the gruff but, effective NASA director

In less capable hands, the scene could easily be an eye-roll-inducing moment that highlights Sheldon's massive ego. However, Iain Armitage, who the creators think made the show happen, portrays a charming version of the naive scientist that delivers a comedic sequence. His desire to be the hero shines through as he provides the perfect solution at the precise moment to avoid total destruction.

In addition to Michael Cudlitz's comforting presence, we're treated to another special guest, with Dave Theune playing the obedient, yet bewildered scientist. Thankfully, Sheldon arrives just in time to give them the correct calculation to alter the satellite's trajectory, which saves their spinning device. Before we can see the fruits of his labor take place, he's snapped out of his captivating fantasy by his annoyed teacher Ms. Ingram (Danielle Pinnock).

Unsurprisingly, Sheldon is still able to recall exactly what she was saying, even if he was dreaming about being NASA's youngest hero. He then returns to his fantastic voyage where "The Walking Dead" fan favorite executes Sheldon's order and saves the day. They even return again at the end of the episode, when Sheldon zones out during Dr. John Sturgis' (Wallace Shawn) lesson, and fantasizes about working with his new friend to help rescue NASA once again. His inclusion emphasizes the out-of-place student's need for mentorship and his excitement about Sturgis' new relationship with his Meemaw (Annie Potts). 

The guest spot is a small but unforgettable appearance that utilizes both Cudlitz's dramatic skills as well as his ability to alleviate tension through expert comedic timing.