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Jennifer Lawrence Auditioned For Twilight Before She Was In Hunger Games

Jennifer Lawrence is a bonafide movie star at this point. She won an Oscar for her work in "Silver Linings Playbook" when she was only 22 years old, and she's starred in several franchises, including "The Hunger Games" and "X-Men." It's safe to say she has her pick of roles at this point, and she's showing off her funny side in the raunchy R-rated comedy "No Hard Feelings."

It's interesting to think of where Lawrence's career would've gone if she didn't break out in "The Hunger Games" and instead was cast in another Young Adult property, namely "Twilight." Lawrence was apparently never much of a threat to getting in that series. The actress appeared on "The Rewatchables" podcast, where she mentioned her "Twilight" journey ended pretty much as soon as it began: "They turned me down immediately. I didn't even get a callback. But my life would've been totally different. I got 'Hunger Games, ' I think, like, a year later."

It's entirely possible getting cast in "Twilight" would've prevented Lawrence from taking on some of the more interesting roles of her career. And by the sound of it, she's happy with how everything shook out.

Jennifer Lawrence never wanted to be known for franchises

The "Twilight" film series kicked off in 2008. "The Hunger Games" started a bit later in 2012 but was received much more favorably by critics and the general public. However, Jennifer Lawrence was cautious about signing up for "The Hunger Games" after seeing the massive media attention that went toward the young stars of "Twilight." She said, "I almost didn't do 'Hunger Games' because 'Twilight' had come out, and that fandom had happened."

But Lawrence never wanted to be known for strictly big-budget franchises, even going so far as to say how she had to "churn out movies in between" blockbuster fare like "Hunger Games" and "X-Men." One such movie she managed to squeeze into her busy schedule in the early 2010s was "Silver Linings Playbook," which cemented her as a critical darling. She never wanted a substantial level of attention, going on to say, "When I was trying to talk to people about making this decision after ['Hunger Games'] got offered to me, it was hard to explain to people ... this level of fame."

However, Lawrence doesn't regret her time in YA properties. She's even gone on the record stating how she'd be willing to return as Katniss Everdeen in some capacity, provided the right project came along. As for now, Lawrence can do whatever she wants, including outlandish comedies where she fights people naked on the beach in "No Hard Feelings," playing in theaters now.