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The Flash: Sasha Calle's Supergirl Differs From All Other Versions In One Major Way

For a superhero usually featured wearing a miniskirt when fighting crime, Supergirl in the DCEU's "The Flash" is a big difference. Even in the feminist-driven CW show, "Supergirl," there are still echoes of how she has been portrayed in the past. 

Melissa Benoist played Kara Zor-El in the CW DC universe, donning the more classically feminine suit. But the times are changing, and Sasha Calle's film version of the character is an update to Supergirl's insane history. When speaking to Buzzfeed, "The Flash" actor explained that what makes her version of the character stand out is her androgyny.

"The suit is so beautiful and it's a beautiful mix of femininity and masculinity. It's kind of androgynous, and it's mobile," Calle explained. "It works as if you were to wear a suit that would protect you and allow you to move. I love it. It was really cool to see how it looks on camera." Featured with full pants and a form-fitting suit, the costume has been altered to be practical in action sequences, subverting what we have come to expect from female superheroes.

Supergirl's new look is purposeful

The starkest difference for this new Supergirl isn't just her suit, but her overall look. DC comic fans will note that in all of her appearances, Kara's hair is long and blond. The 1984 "Supergirl" film, as well as the CW series, stayed true to this vision. But even if comic purists shudder at deviating from the source material in any way, creatives behind "The Flash" stand by their choice. Sasha Calle's short, dark hair was purposeful on their part.

"That was all Andy [Muschietti's] decision. Andy had a vision for her. He said that when he saw my self-tape when I auditioned for this then-untitled character, he knew," Called told Buzzfeed. At the time, the actor had no idea she would be the person chosen to portray the iconic DC hero. We can all thank Calle and Muschietti's unity in creating a new vision of Supergirl. She continued, saying: "He asked me if I would cut my hair prior to me knowing or signing anything. So I promised him that I was going to cut my hair. When we got to that point, I was overjoyed." 

Female heroes — and characters in general — don't have to adhere to classic beauty standards to be capable or fleshed-out people. Showing different types of women in action films is all that representation is about, and future superhero films should take note.