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Can [SPOILERS] Really Be Killed Like In The Crowded Room?

The truth is finally out for Danny Sullivan (Tom Holland) in "The Crowded Room" after some tactical persuasion from Rya (Amanda Seyfried). This troubled young man is now fully aware that his checkered past is riddled with appearances from alternative identities built from his own creation.

This breakthrough comes with a price, though, because by Danny being made aware of what's going on when he isn't present, a cerebral coup is beginning to form with Deputy Jack Lamb (Jason Isaac) at the forefront. This battle for dominance has already led to one major loss, with the dapper Englishman seemingly gunning down one of Danny's most volatile alternate identities, Yitzhak (Lior Raz), for the rest of the group's safety.

But given that this series focuses on a real topic and an area of mental health fortified by studies and expert analysis, is such a thing possible? Can an alternate identity "kill" another, thus permanently removing them from the host? Well, it's where "The Crowded Room" might be factoring in drama over facts regarding Danny and his rage-filled fighter of an alter. When it comes to an opposing personality to the host, a more logical, healthy approach is applied to benefit those suffering from the disorder.

Jack's betrayal of Yitzhak might not last in The Crowded Room

As far as we know, Yitzhak has been killed by Danny's ring leader of alternate personalities, Jack Lamb, but in reality, this wouldn't happen for individuals that suffer from Dissociative identity disorder. Firstly, according to TraumaDissacociation.com, the alter of a person can never really be killed, as the host who created the identities as a coping mechanism is still alive. Instead, a personality can fuse with another, which may be caused through therapy. The end goal for anyone with this condition is not about destroying identities but finding a way to integrate them as a whole or find stabilization. In doing so, it would allow the host to gain a balance between the alters instead of, like in Danny's current case, having one take full control and leading to his time loss.

Factoring this in, it would suggest that while Yitzhak may have "died" at the hands of Jack, there's a chance that it won't be the last we see of him. Alters can often become dormant if the host no longer requires them, and we did see Yitzhak's "body" when Danny went down to the basement in the barn. But while we wait to see if Danny's brutish protector returns, what's interesting is that, while it may not seem it, Danny may have just taken his first steps in doing just that, much to the surprise of his alters.

Jack's request might not go to plan, and that's great for Danny

As Rya continues to treat Danny as best as she can, his suave and dominating alter, Jack, is putting in the work to stop it. Upon finding his host awake in the barn, he explains to Danny how his "guardian angels" were put into action to protect him and "that woman [Rya], she wants to destroy us. She wants to take us away from you." This might seem like they're getting the upper hand on Danny, but this is, in fact, the first step of progression for the show's tortured soul that could come just in time for when he needs it the most.

It must be remembered that this conversation isn't between different characters but different fragments of Danny himself. This isn't Jack trying to keep on top of things, but Danny's defense mechanisms fighting to remain as they are and not, as far as they know, be erased through Rya's efforts. This cerebral congregation, while currently leaning more in the alters favor than Danny's, could be the first of many that will eventually see Danny take control of the situation and provide the kind of integration he needs for the future. Not only could it see Jack and the other active alters meet Danny in the middle, but it could also lead to previously "dead" ones like Yitzhak returning, fortifying the balance he so desperately needs.