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Secret Invasion: Here's How To Watch The First Five Minutes Of The Upcoming Disney+ Series

Marvel just dropped the first five minutes of the first episode of "Secret Invasion," the latest serialized installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is set to begin its run on Disney+ toward the end of June 2023. In keeping with the theme of espionage, the clip can be found on a sinister-sounding web domain, theinvasionhasbegun.com. And to gain access, users must enter a password. Fortunately for us, that password has already been provided: RSD3PX5N7S. Since the password and theatrics are entirely for show, the site allows users to copy and paste the password, so no one needs to stress about typing it correctly.

Once the password is entered, the domain grants its user access to an "encrypted" file, which features the first few minutes of "Secret Invasion," as well as a brief teaser trailer. While the first few minutes are entirely new footage, the teaser trailer is predominantly comprised of shots that Marvel has previously released in other trailers.

Tensions are high in the new Secret Invasion footage

The footage depicts Agent Everett Ross (Martin Freeman) visiting Moscow, where Agent Prescott (Richard Dormer) has set up his base of operations. Based on Prescott's haggard demeanor, the shabbiness of his HQ, and Ross' calm skepticism, the mission for which Prescott has summoned Ross does not appear to be sanctioned by any legitimate authority.

Prescott reveals to Ross that he believes that the Skrull are inciting war through acts of terrorism and disguising their assaults on humanity as human-on-human violence. When Ross points out that the few documented Skrull on Earth were gentle souls who worked alongside Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), Prescott's tenuous grip on sanity seems to crack.

Ross attempts to diffuse the situation by assuring Prescott that he will take the situation directly to Fury. But whatever Prescott hoped to hear, it wasn't this -– he assaults Ross just as the footage cuts to the teaser trailer. The clip is carried by Dormer (of "Game of Thrones" fame), whose paranoia bleeds into every word that he utters. If that's what can be expected from the rest of "Secret Invasion," then Marvel fans are in for a wild ride.