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Good Omens Season 2 Trailer Promises A War Between Heaven & Hell

The apocalypse can be a tricky thing to navigate, specially if one is an angel or demon that has existed since the very first moments of the universe. "Good Omens" is an adaptation of the book of the same name by wildly imaginative and Shakespeare referencing Neil Gaiman, and it follows the angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and the demon Crowley (David Tennant). One might think that an angel and demon might not have much in common, but in fact both of them are friends and often work together because of their mutual adoration for humanity and Earth in general.

The first season of "Good Omens" see both Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to stop the biblical apocalypse after the appearance of the Antichrist, Adam Young (Sam Taylor Buck). However, by getting in the way of the end of the world, both Aziraphale and Crowley quickly make enemies of both of their own respective sides — Heaven and Hell. Both of these factions have a vested interest in the battle to end all battles, and even though Aziraphale and Crowley are able to prevent the end of reality as we know it, it seems as if the two still have some work ahead of them on account of the freshly released trailer for Season 2 of "Good Omens."

The trailer for Season 2 of Good Omens promises from fresh dynamics among celestial and demonic forces

The above trailer for Season 2 of "Good Omens" starts with an antique Bentley driving down an English road, and it doesn't take long before the scene shifts to Crowley entering Aziraphale's cozy bookshop where the demon loudly announces that he is back. Calmly looking over his shoulder, Aziraphale retorts that he can see that. The proceeding moment then sees Crowley resting on a park bench when he hears of a rumor involving Heaven which states the Archangel Gabriel (Jon Hamm) is missing.

Heaven is definitely focused on recovering their wayward Archangel, who is then revealed to be in somewhat of a fugue state and hiding out in Aziraphale's shop. Realizing that Gabriel's absence is creating quite a stir, Crowley suggests to Aziraphale that they hide the wayward Archangel from both the forces of Heaven and Hell. From this point, the trailer for Season 2 sees the skies rapidly ungulate, Crowley pretend to be an angel in Heaven, and a brick tossed through the window of Aziraphale's shop, which causes Aziraphale to comment that he may have started a war. Luckily, Aziraphale and Crowley certainly know how to handle potential reality ending events, and it will be awesome to see how Gabriel fits into the dynamic between Aziraphale and Crowley when the show becomes available on July 28, 2023!