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The Expendables 4 First Trailer

Unlikely as the union of some of history's biggest action stars in "The Expendables" was, the arrival of "The Expendables 4" has seemed even less likely at times. The first movie premiered in 2010, and while Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and other stalwarts of the golden age of delightfully cheesy action films were still fairly spry at the time, it was clear that this was a team of aging mercenaries. 2012's "The Expendables 2" and 2014's "The Expendables 3" dropped in relatively swift succession after the original, but the fourth installment has kept fans waiting for nearly a decade. 

Of course, we've known that the movie is coming — after all, first "The Expendables 4" footage offered everything you'd expect from a big sequel when it premiered in CinemaCon 2022. Now, the first trailer of the movie is finally here, and it looks like "The Expendables 4" was very much worth the wait.

The Expendables 4 trailer offers big stars in a big movie

If there's one movie series that can (and arguably should) comfortably offer a new helping of the same concept all over again, it's "The Expendables." As such, the new trailer for "The Expendables 4" is exactly what fans expect from the titular action hero team's latest mission. The action beats are bigger than ever, the Expendables continue to deliver the occasional wisecrack amidst the stoic, 1980s-inspired action sequences, and everything has a comfortable old-timey action movie team that befits the franchise's aging stars. 

It's entirely possible that "The Expendables 4" will be the last rodeo for the team as we know it, given the advanced age of the majority of its stars and the amount of time the movie has taken to complete. As such, fans would do well to prepare themselves for this one final ride with their favorite team of lovable mercenaries.