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Kit Connor Signed On To Heartstopper Hoping To Help Expand Queer Representation

While mainstream shows like "Ellen" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" were able to get gay characters on television in the late '90s, over two decades later, those in the LGBTQ+ community now have far more choices to peruse when it comes to seeking out representation. Just one example is "Heartstopper," Netflix's adaptation of the popular webcomic by Alice Oseman.

The queer coming-of-age love story follows friends and classmates Nick Nelson (Kit Connor) and Charlie Spring (Joe Locke) as they become increasingly infatuated with one another while navigating the other various challenges that high school places in their paths.

However, Connor told NME that one of the things that appealed to him about "Heartstopper" the most was how it offered an opportunity to expand the scope of representation for the LGBTQ+ community by showcasing a bisexual male exploring his sexuality on the small screen. "One of [my] biggest motivations is the lack of representation for bisexual characters, especially male bisexual characters," he explained.

Heartstopper is a rare opportunity to explore male bisexuality

While Kit Connor offered the caveat that fellow Netflix series "Sex Education" prominently features a bisexual male character, the performer still emphasized the importance of having this experience be the central focus of "Heartstopper." "You know, this show is very much focused around that," he said. "Like, one of the biggest storylines is Nick exploring his sexuality."

Though female bisexuality has been commonly portrayed in popular media, male bisexuality is far more underseen. With this in mind, it's easy to see where Connor is coming from with his assertion, though he acknowledged that not even a show like "Heartstopper" can necessarily make everyone feel included. "I suppose one of the challenges of a show like this is it's never a 'one size fits all' kind of thing," he said.

"We really have tried our best to be as inclusive and representative as possible ... but at the same time, everyone's experience in life is different," Connor went on. "We very much tried our best to portray that and create a safe space for the queer community in particular."

Being that "Heartstopper" has already been renewed by Netflix for a second season, fans can no doubt look forward to even more positive queer representation when the show makes its return. Hopefully, this time around, the streamer won't torment the cast with more water-based milkshakes.