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The Flash's Michael Shannon Cuts Ezra Miller Some Slack Amid Ongoing Controversy

"The Flash" might indeed look as good as James Gunn has said, but despite the movie's quality possibly matching the DC Studios co-lead's good word, the upcoming film is still dealing with the various off-the-camera controversies involving its lead, Ezra Miller. Still, Miller has at least one co-star who has plenty of understanding of their situation. One of the movie's more surprising returning figures, General Zod actor Michael Shannon, has now weighed in on Miller's ongoing scontroversies ... and the veteran actor is willing to cut them some slack. 

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Shannon noted that his own personal experiences with Miller during the filming were altogether positive, and as such he finds the whole situation rather hard to discuss. However, he mused on the realities of dealing with your issues as a famous person, which is something Miller has definitely been facing. "If you're talking about Ezra, I thought Ezra was lovely — very kind to me when I was there," Shannon said. "It's difficult to talk about, but I always give people a lot of slack in this business, because there's a lot of people in this business that have issues. And some people have more privacy than others."

Shannon recognizes the awfulness of the situation without downplaying the reasons that caused it

Anyone who's been keeping half an eye on the production of "The Flash" is likely aware of the scandals involving and allegations against Miller, and what it all may mean for their future as the Flash. Michael Shannon is familiar with the subject, but as a public figure himself, he recognized the difficulty of having to deal with one's issues while being extensively covered by the media. "Anytime somebody is out in the spotlight getting picked on, I feel for them," he added. "Even if it's warranted, it's still a horrible situation."

Shannon's measured comments recognize the perils of fame without either condemning or absolving Miller's actual deeds, and address the hazards of dealing with such issues in public. It's hard to argue against this point, seeing as Miller's current time out of the spotlight may prove key to their potentially continuing presence in the DC Universe.