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Outer Banks' Madison Bailey Is Just As Curious As Fans With S3's Time Jump

"Outer Banks" ended its third season by wrapping up a lot of plot threads that had persisted through the show's first three seasons, and then surprising fans with an 18-month time jump into the future. While this could have been an effective way to end "Outer Banks" entirely, it also set up some interesting storylines for Season 4 involving Blackbeard's pirate treasure. Still, for cast members like Madison Bailey, who plays Kiara, it left some lingering questions about what happened during those 18 months.

"We see a huge betrayal on the parents' part," Bailey told Cosmopolitan. "Kiara was trying to compromise by helping out with the anniversary party. She was trying to build this trust and they turned their backs on her. I'm interested in knowing how they made it up to her in those 18 months too. I think it's a very hard thing to forgive, but with your parents, almost anything's forgivable at times, you know?"

Hopefully the writers of "Outer Banks" will explore what happened during those 18 months when Season 4 rolls around, but it's also important to consider where the show takes the characters in its present day. And when it comes to the treasure-seeking protagonists, Bailey has her own thoughts on that.

Bailey thinks the characters need to keep exploring their love of treasure

Bailey went on to reveal to Cosmopolitan that she actually really loves the ending of Season 3 of "Outer Banks," because it sets the characters up to explore their love of lost and mysterious treasure even further, and hopefully in a more substantial way than previous entries. For her, this is what the characters are all about, and the search for gold is part of their identity.

"I like the ending because I've always thought that they need to find something more sustainable for their love of treasure," Bailey said. "I think this is a job opportunity. It's less about finding the gold and more 'Here's a way you can take that and explore it.' It could turn out that he has malicious intent. But at least we're chasing something because this is just like what we like doing."

Bailey certainly has some interesting ideas of where she hopes Season 4 of "Outer Banks" will go. Of course, it's ultimately down to the creative team behind the series. What will happen and whether or not it explores those 18 month are matters as mysterious and elusive as the treasure the Pogues obsessively search for ... at least for now.